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Grace Filled Girls by Amy Schafer

Grace Filled Girls

“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see.” 

Words that were written in 1779 and still make something on the inside of us do cartwheels!  There is nothing as life changing as GRACE!  Nothing as life altering, world rocking, nation shaking, & soul transforming as GRACE!  What if we were ‘Grace Filled Girls’ that took the grace we’ve received and gave it out to the world?!!

Proverbs 31:20 says, “She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.”  In the amplified version it says, “She opens her hand to the poor, yes, she reaches out her filled hands to the needy [whether in body, mind, or spirit].”

Her hands are filled so she can reach out!  What are your hands full of?  How about GRACE?!  Girls that have been touched by grace -should be a green-house of GRACE!  A green-house is a warm atmosphere that attracts the Son and produces fruit!  As His girls on earth we should cultivate grace, nurture grace, & extend grace!! 

Have you been touched by grace?  Strengthened by grace?  Embraced by grace?  Changed by grace?  Encouraged by grace? 
If you are the girl I’m talking about, then you can be the one that God uses to extend His grace to others.  He wants you to be a conduit of His grace, His goodness, His kindness, and His love.

Here are a few examples of how you can extend grace….

To your husband… when he gives you the wrong directions at the airport and you’re looking for the car in snowy, 19 degree weather for 1 hour.  You can give him a piece of your mind:)… or extend grace!

To your teenager… when you are getting ready to speak at church, it’s time to do your hair and she has taken your flat iron to a sleepover.  Then she arrives to church with her hair in a bun and you have half straight, half frizzy hair in front of the whole church!  You can either ground her for a week:))… or extend grace!

To your small children… when your son gets up every day for a bowl of cereal first thing in the morning… and every morning the cereal overflows and milk goes all over the place.  You can either freak out every day, every morning:)… or extend grace!

To your friend…
To your coworker…
To your neighbor…
To your church…
To the needy…
To the hurting…


xoxo… Amy


  1. As I'm reading down the list, we could add - BOSS.

    Letting go, and seeing the ALL that he is amazes my day!

    The conduit analogy is perfect!
