Fun Finger Foods

One of my all time faves is simply to have a group of friends over for some fun finger foods.  I've always enjoyed throwing down a bunch of platters full of enticing food & calling in the the troops!

In this section we have everything from messy wings for the men to cheese & pastry for the women.... to cut out sandwiches for the kids!  It's all here, something for about everyone! That's what makes appetizers so great, everybody is bound to have something they enjoy.

So, you can stop by for just one appetizer to set out before a meal or 7 fun finger foods that can just be the meal in itself!  Then there is also the Black Jack Quesadillas which go perfect if you're serving Chicken Tortillas Soup!

Having a group over use to make me a little nervous, but not anymore!  Some of these are even fun to make after your guests arrive, like the cut out sandwiches.  Just put out the cookie cutters & let them have a go at it!  Isn't there something wonderful about being in the kitchen with friends, after all, that usually is where we all congregate anyway!

Beef Stew Empanadas
Black Jack Quesadilla
Crowd Pleasin' Potato Skins
Curried Chicken Salad
Need a Wippie Wings
Salsa Anyone?
Smoked Gouda
Snicker Dip
Trail Mix
Wendy's French Bread Pizza