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Don’t Just Endure, Persevere.

Don’t quit. 
Don’t give into how you feel. 
Don’t be moved. 
You got this. 
Just. Don’t. Quit. 

There are days when I repeat those words to myself like a 10 year old girl with a new Taylor Swift song. I’m sure I would become completely annoying to those around me if they could get inside my head, but it works.  Like David, in 1 Samuel 30:6, I have to encourage myself in the Lord. I have to let the word of God in me be my personal coach, trainer and cheerleader.

This journey called life is say the least. The enemy of our soul takes great joy in painting the map with every difficulty;  he reminding us of our human limitations and highlighting those crazy things called “feelings” for the purpose of getting us to quit living and simply exist.

Have you ever felt like you are merely existing? Have you been discouraged? The bible tells us that David and his band of soldiers wept bitterly until they simply had no more power to weep. I haven’t been consumed with grief to the point of wanting to stone my leader (my husband sighs with relief) but I have felt completely overwhelmed and distressed. It could have destroyed me, but like David, I have found that encouraging myself in the Lord led me to my victory.

It’s more than puffing myself up with shallow accolades such as “You’re amazing and strong, you can craft, you can cook, you have hair like a goddess...Wonder woman has nothing on you babe.” I know my weaknesses. I live with myself everyday. What I need to consume myself with is the amazing, awesomeness of my God. When God is my source there is always a solution. If I am going to struggle, it will not be with the one Jesus has defeated already. I refuse to refight a battle that has already been triumphantly won. My efforts will be applied to my faith.

Oswald Chambers said, “Faith is the supreme effort of your life-throwing yourself with abandon and total confidence upon God.”  Anyone who thinks a life of faith is weak and pitiful is simply wrong. Faith is a thriving confidence in God. Jesus himself prayed, “This is eternal life, that they may know you...” (John 17:3) Eternal life, life more abundant is not something we attain as we pass through the pearly gates. We can live and walk in this abundance now, right now. In the face of lack-abundant supply, sickness-health, contempt-triumph, weakness-strength. There isn’t anything that we could find ourselves up against that the presence of God, in word or spirit, can’t nullify. Jesus has given us abundant life and there is a tenacity that comes with that, a refusal to be destroyed. Who shall separate us from the love of God? This life is so abundant that it triumphs over every “who shall”! All through the word we find the confidence we need to keep our faith in God. Romans 5:20 tells us, “Where sin abounds, grace did much more abound...” It didn’t just counterbalance sin, it out weighed it...tipped the scales. That same grace is freely given to those who know Him.

I just read a tweet by Christian Cain that said, “When you're going through it keep going through it until you're through it.” We can get through it, whatever it is, when faith isn’t in ourselves but in the one who forgives all our iniquities, heals all our diseases, redeems our life from destruction and crowns us with lovingkindness and tender mercies. He will satisfy us with good and renew our strength. Instead of just enduring, existing...we persevere, engaging our faith because there is a reward for those who in faith seek God. (Hebrews 11:6)

There is a reward for perseverance in the face of todays trials and those that are to come (Revelation 3:10). I choose to become proficient at persevering and side in with the word of God!  In my best singsong cheerleader voice I’ll shout, “You can do it!” 

God’s got you. Keep your faith in him and persevere till you win!

Pray with me: Father, I trust you with my life.  I choose to side in with your word, not my own reasoning, not the traditions of men or the lies of the enemy. Just like Paul, David, and the many people of faith who have gone before me, I choose to live and move according to your word. You are my victory, my strong tower, my God in whom I trust. Strengthen me today as I persevere through the storm I am facing. By your grace, wisdom and love I can do all things. I refuse to quit, lay down and give up. I put my hope in you! Thank you for being so faithful and good. In Jesus name, Amen

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