
Pecan Salmon

Pecan Salmon

This is a quick and family-pleasing recipe for dinner any night of the week!  Enjoy!

Four 6 - 8 ounce salmon fillets
2 Tablespoons Grey Poupon Dijon Mustard ~ I especially like the Harvest Course Ground 
2 Tablespoons Melted Butter
2 Tablespoons Honey
2 Teaspoons Fresh Parsley
1/4 Cup of Bread Crumbs
1/4 Cup of Pecans

Sprinkle the salmon fillets with salt and pepper.  Place fillets in a greased 13 X 9 X 2 inch
pan (skin should be side down).  Combine the mustard, butter and honey.  Brush on the fillets.
In a separate bowl, combine chopped pecans, chopped parsley and bread crumbs.  Spoon this mixture evenly over fillets and bake at 450 degrees for 20 minutes or until desired texture is reached. 


'Remembering His Words'

My husband and I and a team of 11 just returned from a successful missions trip to an orphanage in Port au Prince, Haiti.  During the course of the week while I was away, once again a prophetic word was rolling around in my heart.  It’s a word that I have been very personally impacted by that was given to two leaders by Patsy Cameneti in 1979 at a Holy Ghost Rally - that was 33 years ago!  When I first came across the prophecy, it especially witnessed to my heart over the years, but in particular it has come to the forefront of my heart this year.  I wanted to share just a portion of the prophecy that is believed to have universal significance.  I trust it will bless you as much as it has me.   

“And even in this plan a whole move for child evangelism would be a great spoke. And so God will gather to Himself the children in the world. And those that have no name; those that have no home are going to be finding homes in these days.  Because God is going to raise up homes and establishments all over the world to gather the children to Himself. And in this great move He will glorify and honor Himself as a Father. And He will be a Father to the fatherless. And He will be a Father to those who have no home and who have no name.
“And so those who have thought that you have already raised your own and those that have even raised your children, will find yourself again rocking the babes. And will find yourselves again raising up little ones. But this time not just naturally. Because these little ones who have no purpose but just only to find their way to whatever food they can find. In these days, they’ll find the greatest purpose of all. For in these days, they’ll not only find a home, but in this home they will find great purpose. And God is reserving much anointing. God is reserving much equipment for these people. These little ones. And in the mouth of these little babes, the adversary will be silenced. And oh, there will be many who say, “These people are nothing. These little ones are nothing.” And they would have been ones that have been kicked aside. And they would have been the ones that the people have looked down upon.
“But oh, God is searching out these little ones. And out of their mouth will come great, great authority. And great, great prophecy. And great events will happen among these little children. The little children of the world. And so, and so, it’s a wonderful thing that God will do in these days. Oh, not just one place here and not just one place there. But it will be multiplied over and over in this nation and around the world. And so the children will come, red and yellow, black and white, because they are precious in His sight. And they will march together these little feet. They will march together in a heavenly beat. And God will use these little ones as little keys and they will open great doors. And oh, even the enemy will not even look toward these as great, great possibilities.
There are those of us who may have personally received a word just recently or for some, perhaps, it may be years and years ago.  Tucked away in journals or on pieces of notebook paper or even written somewhere in our Bible there may be a word that was spoken to us prophetically.  I’m encouraging you to continually pray over those words and nurture them to fulfillment.  Remember that God has released a vision of possibilities over our lives so we will get excited about it!  He’s hoping we will press on towards the mark to do whatever we need to do to get ready to be or do what He said we can be and what we can do! 
Whether it’s personal prophecies spoken over us or words that witness to us so strongly that are spoken for the larger body of Christ, we must learn what to do with it to make it come to pass.   I’ve realized it is so important for me to understand that there are conditions and I have a part to play in order for God to fulfill His Word.  God’s promises to us are unlimited, but its fulfillment depends on our abiding in Him and this Word.  For me, the prophetic word given some 33 years ago was like a seed that was planted in my spirit and lodged in my heart.  It has been my responsibility to water it, weed it, protect it, and act upon it, to be a doer of that word and then yes, wait patiently as long as it takes.   With great faith is great patience.  The enemy is chief at kicking us when we’re down and in tough situations. At those times it can seem like everything escalates.  He thinks we’re going down for the last count and he comes on stronger than ever before.  Oh, but it’s our strong faith accompanied with patience, and disciplining our body and mind to get louder and persistent to stay in there!  We can’t afford to let our minds run loose for even ten seconds because most of what the devil is designed to do is make us change what we believe!  We’re determined he’s not going to score!      
1 Timothy 1:18  (GOD’S WORD Translation)  Timothy, my child, I’m giving you this order about the prophecies that are still coming to you: Use these prophecies in faith and with a clear conscience to fight this noble war.
1 Timothy 1:18  (KJV)  This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;
It’s time, precious sisters!  God is waiting for us to dig out those journals and notebooks filled with words and even callings that have been spoken over us, our families, over the children of the world; it’s time for us to brush off the seed and act!  It’s time we come into the inner chamber and close the door to our prayer closet and with the prophecy in our hands begin lifting them up and praying them back to the Lord.  We’re told by Paul to wage a good war with them.  Let’s see ourselves in the book of Lamentations, our hands cupped together filled with those precious words, lifting them up before the Father.  In consistency lies POWER!  Let’s see the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth connecting with the truth spoken from our mouth, moving on that Word and bring it to pass – now that’s a good warfare!    
Lamentations 3:41  (AMP)  Let us lift up our hearts and our hands [and then with them mount up in prayer] to God in heaven:

And so, over the years, I’ve waged a good warfare with a portion of a prophecy from 33 years ago.  Today, I’m seeing the natural manifestation of children that God has gathered to Himself in the nation of Haiti.  These are the children who had no name, no home and no purpose, but to find their way to whatever food they could find.  They were the little ones kicked aside and looked down upon.  Today these same little children now have a name, a home and great purpose! 
I’m going back into my prayer chamber with my hands lifted to continue to fight this noble war for the children!  For a great move of child evangelism throughout the world!  A God who takes care of the children surely is a good God!  Oh, the sound of children’s voices filled with laughter and joy all throughout the day, singing songs of praise to our God in many different languages!  We know the Father is pleased!  A God who will take care of His children is a good God.  All the prayers and prophecies are coming together now like colors on a rainbow joining, meeting, blending and making something so beautiful!          


Ranch Potatoes

Ranch Potatoes

These potatoes are a crowd pleaser.  I bring home an empty dish every time.  And the bonus...they are soooo easy to make!

30 oz. Bag Hash Brown Potatoes
32 oz. Sour Cream
2 C. Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 Bunch Green Onions - Chopped
2 Pkgs Ranch Dry Dip Mix
6 oz Real Bacon Bits
Salt & Pepper to Taste

Mix all the ingredients together and bake at 375 for 45-60 minutes.  

Serve & enjoy!


Halloween-Godly or Ghoulish?

Is Halloween something that we, as Christians, should participate in?

In order to answer that question, we should take a look at how our culture typically promotes Halloween. If you walk into stores, you will quickly see what is being promoted:  witches, zombies, skeletons, gore, darkness and death. The main focus of the way our culture does Halloween feeds on and perpetuates fear. I believe that taking an honest look at what Halloween means in our culture and seeing if that is what the Lord wants for us is very important. The best way to find out what the Lord would want for us and our families is to take a look at what His word says.

Eph 5:8-13
8 For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light! 9 For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true. 10 Carefully determine what pleases the Lord. 11 Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them. 12 It is shameful even to talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret.

If we are born again of the Spirit of God, then we have light from the Lord. His word tells us we should live as children of light.

2 Cor 6:14-15
14 Don't become partners with those who reject God. How can  you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That's not partnership; that's war. Is light best friends with dark?

The last part of that verse, “Is light best friends with dark?” The answer, of course, is no!

Clearly, darkness and death that is “glorified” around Halloween celebrations should have no place in a person’s life who is trying to honor God.

Another thought is this: most Halloween traditions and decorations feed on and perpetuate fear. Time and again God commands us in His word to fear not. So why would we invite the spirit of fear into our homes and lives (and children’s lives) to come and stay for a day or longer? How might we be doing this? Take a quick inventory of movies, TV shows, even cartoons this time of year and you will realize that most of them are promoting darkness and fear. So, if we allow these kinds of images and messages to play on our televisions, we are inviting fear into our homes. I encourage you to be vigilant in what you allow to play on your TV’s.

So, what then is a person who wants to please God to do around this season of Halloween? Should we go into a hole and hide for the month of October? Of course not! First of all, we should ask the Lord what pleases Him (Eph. 5:10). I challenge you to think and pray about Halloween in light of the scripture and what God may be speaking to your heart.

At this “harvest” time of year, instead of focusing on fear and death, we can focus on God, our Father, who has given us a bountiful harvest and give Him thanks and glory for providing so richly for us - Phil 4:19 And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. ESV

My husband and I pastor a church. This will be our 3rd year as a church to deal with the issue of Halloween. Like many other churches, on the last Sunday after church in October, we have a Fall Festival. We have inflatables, simple games for children with candy given out at each station, and pony rides, all for free! We do it in our parking lot and it attracts a lot of people who wouldn’t ordinarily come to a church service. We use it as an opportunity to reach out to the community. It takes many people to make it all happen. But, our church members get so excited about and behind this event!  Recently, I read about another church, who at their fall festival, handed out Bibles as a free gift to anyone who wanted one. I thought this was a great idea! So this year, we will be handing out free Bibles! At this gifting “station” we will have people there who are very capable of “showing” them how to use their new gift, share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them, and pray with them. On this day and season where darkness and idol worship and satanic worship are so prevalent, let’s be light and life!

Rom 12:21 says, "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." NIV

Overcome evil with good and teach these things to our children! If Halloween happens to fall on another day other than our fall festival at church, we as a family will have a special time at our home or another friend’s home that looks nothing like xHalloween. I don’t want my children to feel as if they are “missing out” because we serve God.

I do believe in the theory of replacement. As Christians, we should replace ungodly traditions that our culture may participate in, with something as good as, if not better than theirs. Please keep in mind, to always ask the Lord what pleases Him in everything we may do or say in our lives. He will show you, if you truly have an open heart to hear from Him, and then DO what He tells you to do.

Instead of trick or treating on the day of Halloween, you can do something special at home with just your family, or maybe with other like-minded families. One reason to forego trick or treating, I have found, is that the decorations and atmosphere my children are sure to encounter at other homes, for the most part, feed into fear and horror. But be assured, they will definitely not miss out one bit. Now, I have taken my boys trick or treating in the past. But that was before the Lord began dealing with me personally about that.

The following are some ideas to get you started that you may want to adopt as your own and maybe even make up some new traditions along the way! Some ideas might be to make caramel apples, have a pizza, root beer and movie night with special treats. Watch a fun (not scary) movie. Possibly let the kids decide what they would like for dinner and have them help you in the kitchen. Make some hot apple cider and let them drink out of some nice cups, if they are old enough. Buy your children some candy that they only get on special occasions. Go to a harvest party or fall festival; many churches have these types of celebrations. Let your children dress up in costumes. Around our house, this is something my children regularly do. Just make sure the costumes aren’t along the lines of witches, goblins, demons, etc. My boys are regularly saving the world from evil plots, as we have a plethora of “super hero” costumes! They can be simple costumes that cost little or no money – make a cape out of a bath towel and safety pins. They don’t need much to go on, as their imaginations will take over! What little girl doesn’t want to be a princess? Let your little girls dress up in some of your old costume jewelry, scarves, shoes, etc. and be princesses, or mommies, or both!!

1 Cor 10:31-So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. NIV

In everything we do, we do for the glory of God!! Why would this time of year be any different?

1 Sam 15:22 says, But Samuel replied: “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. NIV

What I would challenge all of us to do for this Halloween is simply pray and ask the Lord what pleases Him and then obey what He tells us to do. God delights in our obedience!


Not Hard - Just Different

Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power
and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee. Jeremiah 32:17

Have you ever heard a song that brought back a memory to you? Maybe a love song that reminds you of your parents, or a crazy song that reminds you of your teenage years, or better yet a worship song that takes you back to wonderful experiences you've had in God.

I recently heard a song that took my mind back to a lesson I was taught years ago that is one of the best lessons I've ever learned in regards to faith. I was privileged to take voice lessons with a master vocalist for a time. She was fun and a little eccentric - everything a voice teacher should be. She took me through crazy exercises to strengthen my voice and help me achieve some goals I had in singing. One goal (that I believe she actually decided) was that I was going to learn to sing an octave higher than I had been singing. I had sung since high school and knew I had a very low voice and normally sung in the alto 2 section, which was the lowest female voices. I could with a little stretching reach up and help the alto 1 section now and then, but that was my limit.

So, our goal was for me to have the ability to sing as a second soprano - only one step down from the highest female voices. When she announced this goal I have to admit I thinking - "I can't do that!" She must have read my mind because she said something that has stuck with me for almost 20 years now. "Debbie, don't think about singing higher as hard. The higher notes are not hard, they're just different." Wow - that was a revelation. I had always seen higher notes as too hard to reach, something that was simply beyond my ability. Yet someone was telling me that it wasn't hard and I could do it if I changed my way of thinking. She knew how to do it, and she was going to help me get there. She had the ability I needed and as a team we were going to accomplish our goal.

Did you get that... pretty sure I just saw a few lights go on and the word "Bingo!" pop into someone's head. So often we look at life through the eyes of what we think we can do. We may have never even tried something, but because of past experiences or the opinions of others about who we are and what our abilities are, we simply step back and say, "That's too hard. I can't do that." Why? Because thats what we think and believe in our hearts. The unfortunate fact is that if we believe we can't, we are right, we won't be able to do it. If I believe I will never lose those extra pounds, then I won't. If I believe I'll never find the right mate who will love me the way Christ does (especially if I had a bad marriage before) then I won't. If I believe that my income will never increase because I don't have the "right skill set", then it won't. Wow - Deb - that's not good news! No, it's not, but it's the truth! We will never go further than the point to which we have developed our faith.

The Bible clearly teaches us that we accomplish the will of God in our lives by and through faith. Hebrews 11 is filled with folks who did great things for God, and they all did it the same way - by and through faith. That's the good news! If we begin to deal with the heart of the matter, study and meditate on what God has said we can do and begin to act on it, then we will begin to accomplish more in life than we ever imagine. It's true - we really can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us! We can lose those pounds. We can find (or ladies, be found) by the right mate - even if it's the second time around. We can believe and experience a fresh love and passion in our marriage. We can have financial increase no matter what our skill set or education is.

How? By faith! You may not even realize it, but you've already worked the faith process. When you got born again, you did it by faith. Romans 10 tells us that in order to be saved, we had to believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, and confess with our mouths that Jesus was the Lord of our lives. That was it...that's faith in a nutshell! I must believe the Word of God no matter what, and I must be willing to act on what I believe. If we did that to receive salvation, then we can keep working the same process to receive ANY promise if God. All of the promises of God are received this way - believing what the Word says and then acting on it.

Often the greatest act of faith is simply saying what the Word of God says is true. If we really spend enough time getting the Word in our hearts, so that it becomes natural for the Word to come out of our mouths - even in private moments of frustration and pain - then we will be able to change our circumstances with the Word. If I feel sick or the doctor has given me a bad report about my health, what do I do? I must believe what the Bible says; I must believe that I am healed by the stripes of Jesus. I must search out the scriptures and find the ones that show me that through what Jesus has already done for me I am already healed - right now. I must listen to people anointed to teach and preach about healing. Then I must intentionally believe that and say only that - no matter what.

What if it looks like it's getting worse? Believe and speak healing anyway. What if my doctor says I'm going to die? Believe and speak healing anyway. What if I'm scared? Believe and speak healing anyway. What if I knew someone else who didn't get healed. Believe and speak healing anyway. Never live on the way you feel, the reports you are receiving, or the experience of others, but rather choose to only live by the Word of God.  I must keep myself surrounded with the Word of God and not let anyone or anything talk me out of it. This is called the faith process - intentionally believing and acting on what the Bible says is true in any area of life. When we understand how to work with  the Word - the Word will work for us - and it will work for us every single time.

Was it easy to get saved? Yes! God made it easy for us to receive salvation. There may have been challenges along the way, but we knew it belonged to us. Is it easy to receive healing? Yes! We receive it the same way. There may be challenges along the way, but if we continue in faith, we will win! I am not saying you're not in a fight - but if you want to prevail you must know and believe it is a fight you are going to win!! If God can rescue you out of the kingdom of darkness and change your heart for eternity - there is nothing He can't do for you! It doesn't matter what promise of God you need to receive right now - stop looking at it as hard. Nothing is too hard for God. This fight isnt too hard for you and God together. Remember, it's not hard - it's just different.

And yes, to this day, I can sing the part of a second sorprano. How about that! :)

Remember you're a winner!!

Debbie Beck 



Autumn Hash


   Autumn Hash

Autumn Hash is a delightful meal that is both nutritious and filling.  The flavors meld together to create a unique and complimentary dish to warm your palate. You can serve it with corn bread, pumpkin muffins, sliced apples, a grilled panini sandwich or with a bowl of your favorite soup.   


1 Package of smoked sausage (turkey or pork)
2 small/med sweet potatoes
2 cups of fresh brussel sprouts or preferred vegetable
1 red bell pepper
1/4- 1/2  tsp of fennel
1 tsp of oregano
1/2 tsp of salt to taste
2 cloves of garlic
2 tbsp of grape seed or olive oil

To prepare ingredients: Simply dice the sweet potatoes and bell peppers.  For the brussel sprouts, cut of the ends, pull of any damaged leaves, and cut in half or 1/4's.  Slice the smoked sausage and press the garlic.  

Cooking instructions:  Heat oil in a large skillet, add garlic and let simmer for 30 seconds. Add diced sweet potatoes, wedged brussel sprouts  and cook on medium, stirring often until slightly soft (about 10 minutes).  Add bell peppers, smoked sausage and seasoning to taste.  Allow to simmer together for 15-20 minutes on medium- low.  

Serve immediately or let cool and refrigerate for the next day.  



Mimi's Banana Pudding

Southern charm in a glass dish ~ Just in time for the holidays!  

Mimi's Banana Pudding:
1 Package Instant Vanilla Pudding
1 Can of Eagle Brand Milk
2 Cups 2% Milk
8 Bananas
1 Box Vanilla Wafers
1 Tub Cool Whip

Place one layer of the vanilla wafers in a 9 X 13 glass dish.  Next, layer with sliced bananas. In a separate dish, combine vanilla pudding powder, Eagle Brand Milk and the 2% milk.  Stir well and after thoroughly mixed, fold in the Cool Whip.  Pour this mixture into the glass dish over the vanilla wafers and sliced bananas.  Crush a few wafers and sprinkle on top.  Best when chilled for at least 2 hours!  Enjoy!    

Snicker Dip

Snicker Dip

This dip is a hit with the college crowd!  They LOVE it!  I have served with graham crackers and with pretzels - they all prefer the pretzels.

16 oz. Cream Cheese
8 oz. Cool Whip
1/4 C. Brown Sugar
6 Regular Size Snickers or 12 Fun Size - cut into small chunks

Mix all together and refrigerate for several hours.  I do overnight.  The refrigeration is key for the flavors to gel.



I don’t love everything about myself.  I can easily become discouraged when I fail at something.   I don’t want to explore a new friendship because I might get hurt.  If I start something new I may not be able to finish strong.  If I write the book, it won’t be publishable.  If I try to eat healthy, I’ll end up crashing my diet.  Stepping out and trusting God to accomplish His purpose in me?  That’s risky business.  I’m just getting started.  These are only a few of the thoughts that may pass through my mind in a moment.  Hurt. Rejection.  Disappointment.  Failure.   Do these words find their way up to the surface of your thoughts?  They have made their bed in mine.    

My thoughts can be my worst enemy, holding me back from my dreams, desires and the simple pleasures of life.  They can hold me back from trying something new, building relationships, accomplishing dreams, fulfilling destiny.  They leave me stranded in my own self worth, measured by past experiences, hurtful words, disappointments, or failed attempts to follow my dreams.  

The truth is my thoughts are not true.  They are more like a broken compass, its needle spinning out of control, unwilling to lead me out of the stagnant swamp.  But when I look to Jesus, He will point me true north.  And His thoughts are not comparable to anything I have heard, even from those who love me the most.  We are His workmanship.  He made us in His image, breathed life into our inner beings, and said, “It was very good.”  

God’s word will not lead us astray.  When He asks us to do something for Him, it is never outside of our limitations.  You may feel unworthy, inadequate, unequipped, but He who handcrafted you, knows exactly what you have been created for.  God is not saying, “Let’s see what you are made of.” No -- He wants to show you what you are made of.   He created you with a purpose and has equipped you to fulfill it.  He is not giving you big dreams that you can’t obtain.  He breathed His greatness into you and His thoughts for you are beyond what you can think or imagine! 

All through the Bible, God asked ordinary people to do great things for Him.  They had inadequacies, and did not hesitate to remind God that they could not speak well, were too young, had a family to provide for, had done murderous things… the excuses for why God should not choose them could fill an empty page.  Yet they risked everything they had to follow God’s plan for their life and God was faithful to fulfill His promises in and through them.  

God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8).  God makes it clear in His word what we should fix our thoughts on:

For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them].   
    Philippians 4:8 Amp

When we meditate on truth, we will wash out the deception that has rooted in our thought life.  God’s word remains forever and His love never fails us.  
For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.” 
Psalm 100:5 ESV

Saying yes to God will require you to give your time, resources, and energy.  But your reward will be greater than what you sacrifice to follow the plan He has for your life.   
“If you are willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land.” Isaiah 1:19 ESV

When you face discouragement or loneliness in the midst of your journey, fix our thoughts on God’s promises.  
“… You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy.” John 16:20 AMP

The truth is, my thoughts become void when I meditate on God’s word.  He maps out His destiny for my life and takes me on a journey that ends at a promise.  I don’t have to be afraid to leap out in faith when God gives me a task.  And when my compass alters, I can reset it to the magnetic field of God’s word.  We can trust Him to fulfill the dreams He’s ignited in our hearts, by equipping, providing, and assuring us of our worth.

“Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.  For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory.”  Colossians 3:1-4 NLT



Apple Butter

Apple Butter

Not only is this recipe delish....it makes your house smell heavenly!  Enjoy!

4 lbs Apples
2 C. Sugar
2 T. Apple Cider Vinegar
2 t. Ground Cinnamon
1/3  C. Water
1/4 t. Ground Cloves
1/8 t. Ground Allspice
1/8 t. Ground Nutmeg

Peel & core the apples.  Put all the ingredients in the crock pot and stir.  Cover and cook on high 5-6 hours, stirring occasionally.

Use a potato masher when the apples are soft to mash them down for chunky apple sauce.  You can also put in the blender if you like it without chunks.

You can put the apple butter in hot canning jars and put the lids on and they seal.  Or, you can freeze the apple butter.  It will store in the refrigerator for about 3 weeks.

Makes 4 1/2 pints.



Oh So Sweet Lemon Bars

Oh So Sweet Lemon Bars

1 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup sugar
2 cups all purpose flour

4 eggs
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1/4 cup all purpose flour
The juice of 2 lemons 

This recipe was a hit at prayer last week so I thought I would share this with you all.  This is adapted from allrecipes.com

Preheat the oven to 350*F.  In a medium bowl mix together the butter, sugar, and flour like making pie crust.  Press into the bottom of a 9x13 in pan.  Bake for 15-20 minutes or until firm.

In the meantime add 4 eggs, sugar, flour and lemon juice (make sure to not get seeds in bowl) in a medium bowl and whisk until blended. Pour on crust.

Bake for another 15-20 minutes at 350*F.  The lemon bars will be done when the filling is firm, but not too firm (they will set more as they cool).

When cool cut into bars and sprinkle powdered sugar to top!

Serve and Enjoy :)


Pull Hard....And Don't Let Go!

Pull Hard...And Don't Let Go!

Our youngest daughter, Michaela is 10 years old.  For the past two years, she has been dealing with lactose and gluten intolerance.  Although we have meds that allow her to consume dairy products with no ramifications, there are no meds available for the gluten issue.  So, the end result is a gluten-free diet.  This can be a bit of damper when it comes to birthday celebrations and parties at school as cookies, cakes, snack type finger foods, etc. most generally all contain gluten.  

Since we uncovered the issue two years ago,we have been standing in faith believing for complete healing and restoration in her digestive system.  But she is a child, and so occasionally I get the questions of, "Why is it taking so long for healing to come?"  Great question and one we often ask ourselves even as adults.

I am a person who LOVES analogies, so I began pondering an analogy that would help her understand this whole faith walk and what our responsibility is.  

You may have heard it said that Jesus has already done all that He can do for our healing.  In Is. 53:5, it says that by his stripes we ARE healed.  Stripes here refers to the wounds that were on His back from the scourging.  That ARE is current tense.  So, if we ARE healed, how do we explain why we still deal with the physical issues?

I explained to Michaela that there is a Spiritual realm (the heavenlies) and a physical/natural realm in which we live.  In the Spiritual realm, she is healed.  But the natural/physical realm is different.  These are two separate 'domains' so to speak.  Although that is true, we must remember that we can change the physical realm, by bringing down the Spiritual realm.

Have you ever seen a roller shade?  It is a type of venetian blind.  It is nothing more than a rod with a vinyl type covering wrapped around it.  The ends of the rod are then finished off with a type of toggle that allows the shade to operate once installed at the window.  When the roller shade is raised or completely up, there is no evidence to the natural eye that it will come down and cover the entire window.  It simply looks like a rod covered with vinyl mounted at the top of the window.  

However, if we will grab the bottom of that shade and pull it down, we will find that the entire window can be covered, cutting off the outside world.  We pull that shade, believing that it will come down and that the window will be covered.

And so it is with healing, or any other promise from God's Word.  It has been installed in the spiritual realm.  Our job is to grab a hold of it and pull it down until the entire situation is covered in the physical realm.  We do that through prayer and declaration of the Word, holding fast that what God has promised is coming down.  Entertaining doubt and questioning sends that shade right back up to the top.  We must grab hold of that shade and not let go.  By faith we pull and pull and pull until the whole situation is covered by the promise and we see a change in the physical realm. 

Grab hold my friends...it may take a while, but oh how sweet the victory will be.  

Be Blessed!

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread

1/2 C. Butter (softened)
1 C. Sugar
2 Eggs
3/4 C. Pumpkin
1 1/2 C. Flour
1 t. Baking Soda
1/2 t. Salt
1 t. Ground Cinnamon
1/2 t. Ground Nutmeg
1/4 t. Ground Ginger
Mini Chocolate Chips (quantity to your liking)

Cream the first 4 ingredients until smooth.  Add the remaining dry ingredients and mix thoroughly.  Add desired amount of mini chocolate chips.  Put in greased loaf pan.  Bake for 60 minutes at 350 degrees.  Enjoy!



Trust the Mirror

Hello friends! I had a simple experience yesterday that sparked some thoughts I hope will be a blessing to you.

I was on my way out to work when I opened my garage door to find that a friend who was watching our girls for the day had parked right behind where I needed to pull out. At first I thought I might have to go back in and ask her to move her car so that I could leave, but then I thought I'd better take a closer look. With 5 girls up and about, I knew a quick trip into the house could turn into a 20 minute adventure!

So, I got out of the van and took a closer look and saw I had some room, but I still wasn't sure if I could make it. I got back in the van and began to turn the wheel and look in my mirrors to see if it would work. I could see in the mirrors there really was enough room to maneuver, but I was still pretty nervous. It almost seemed that what I saw on my own and what my mirrors were telling me were two different things. What seemed impossible to the natural eye alone looked possible in the mirrors. After a moment of hesitation, I told myself - "Debbie, just trust the mirror!" Within just a few moments of adjusting my wheels and paying close attention to what I saw in the mirror I was on my way!

In James 1:22-24, the Bible compares looking in the Word to looking in a mirror. The Scripture tells us that if we look in the mirror of the Word, but don't trust it enough to do what it says, then we have deceived ourselves. If I had looked in the mirror on my van and saw that what I needed to do was possible, but had walked away and not done it I would have deceived myself into believing that I couldn't do it, when in reality it was simply that I wouldn't do it.

Have you ever looked in the Word and read something incredible, but walked away thinking - "I can't do that or that's for people with a special call or special anointing." Although you may not feel like it in the course of your everyday life, my friend, you are a supernatural force in this world with all the power of Heaven behind you! If you believe in Jesus Christ and have confessed Him as Lord, there is nothing more special than that! I love Mark 16:15-18 because of these words in verse 17...."And these signs shall follow them that believe...." I remember the day I got the revelation that the supernatural power of God was available to me for one simple reason - I was a believer. Not because of a title, or who I studied under, or what country I lived in, or anything else....I could operate in the supernatural because I believed in a supernatural God.

So, the next time you are looking in the mirror of the Word and the Holy Spirit illuminates a Scripture to you and prompts your heart to step out in faith and "walk on the water" so to speak, don't be so quick to think - "I can't do that!" Take a good look at what He's asked you to do, then look at the mirror closely. If the mirror - the Word - says you can, make whatever adjustments you need to make and start moving that direction. Before you know it you'll be on your way to fulfilling one more part of the beatiful destiny God has prepared just for you.

Dear sister, He knows you and He loves. He will not lead you on to fail, but if you trust Him you will find yourself in a place of fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams.

All for Him,

Debbie Beck

Chocolate Cake with Peanut Butter Icing

Chocolate Cake with Peanut Butter Icing ~ A moist chocolate cake with a 'cup of coffee' added ~ This one's a Winner - Delicious!

2 Cups Brown Sugar
2 Cups Flour
3/4 Cup Baking Cocoa
2 Teaspoons Baking Soda
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder
2 Eggs
1 Cup Milk
1 Cup Hot Coffee (Regular or Decaf)
1/2 Cup Oil

Combine all ingredients.  Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 45 minutes or until done.

Peanut Butter Icing:

1 Cup Powdered Sugar
3/4 Cup Butter (Real Butter)
3/4 Cup Favorite Peanut Butter
(* You can alter these ingredients to taste depending how sweet you want your icing)


Got a Moment?

Can life be busy?  Absolutely.  Can we let precious moments pass us by?  Without a doubt, the answer is yes.  I’m convinced that significant moments happen on purpose; we learn to seize the brief occasions that would otherwise disappear & we plan our schedules to include special times before they are forgotten. Ephesians 5:15-16 echoes this so well as it says, “Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity…”

I’m sure you know that I’m going to wrap this up by talking about our moments with God, but first let’s just look at those relationships close to us.  I truly feel the same way about both. Have you ever been on a road trip that was like a race from beneath? You know, the one where you have a time limit in the bathroom & eat every meal in the car, all this just to arrive a few hours earlier.  Oh man, you can tell I’m not up for that & I’m quite the traveller.  Alas, my husband isn’t that man any more! (smile) After trying a trip my way a few times, he’s learned to slow down & enjoy the journey.  Mind you, I still have to be in the car on time, but now we plan memorable stops & simply embrace special junctures as they come.  Yes, that might even include the drive through dinosaur museum, but I have some of my favorite photos from that spot.

It can start simple, like making sure your family has meals together.  Then, you might find that rather than everyone running for an electronic device, you actually like to sit on the porch & watch the sun set together. Those who are close to me know I’m a sucker for that one!  I’ve found that almost always others enjoy it too.  We as women have to be “facilitators of fellowship.”  Now, there is a good way to put it.  It is not just about money, it’s about time.  It’s icing cookies, a stroll down your lane or an unexpected stop by Grandma’s house.  That's are what we call serendipity. They usually happen when we purposely grab a moment that others would have allowed to go on by.  They are some of the sweetest times!

God’s all about creating moments with us that we won’t forget too.   You see it in the beginning when He put Adam & Eve in the garden in Genesis chapter 2 & 3.   He would come down in the cool of the day just to be with them.   How about the burning bush in Exodus chapter 3? Wow, that was a moment between Moses & God that none of us will ever forget!  When you carry it forward into the New Testament, we see our Lord washing the disciples feet, taking them away from the crowd to spend time with them & enjoying extraordinary meals together.  Yes, He is our example & we are created to be with Him.  I Corinthians 1:9 says, “God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son…”

I may not know some of you personally, yet I imagine I could guess that your schedule is as full as mine.  I’m a wife, mother, homeschool teacher & co-founder of our ministry to the nations.  There are days when it seems like within my home & around the world people are calling my name, all at the same time.   All the while, the creator of the universe doesn’t push, rather woos me to remember Him. 

I have had to purposely plan my time with Him or my day gets away from me.  These are the most sacred minutes of my life.  I thought I didn’t have time to give him; I learned I couldn’t have accomplished it without Him. I need Him!  These moments define who I am.  Truly, it is no sacrifice at all.

Let’s create a moment,

Judi Jo