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Together we go to the ends of the earth!

All For Him,

Judi Jo


Trish Yanney


Mary McIver


Dawn White


Debbie Beck


Alexandra Fleege


Brooke Glass


Judy Boewe Lau


Tamera Ford


Kate Jones


Daphne Delay


JudiJo Adams



Calla Cuff


Kim Dillingham


Don't Let Go by Judi Jo Adams

Don't Let Go Of Your Dream

“The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever.” ~Psalms 138:8

How beautiful!  The Lord truly will fulfill His purpose for us!  Are you like me & have so many dreams in your heart?  There are many things I can look back upon & see that the Lord has truly fulfilled, yet there are things I have held onto for years that are yet for an appointed time.  When I was younger I wanted it all “right now”.    As I’ve grown in the Lord, I’m very content to wait patiently & watch how God brings to pass the treasures that are so real in my heart!  Even as I type, I’ve finally just touched the edge of something I saw in prayer nearly 15 years ago.

Well, I guess we are in good company!  Remember when Mary pondered in her heart the things she knew about her son Jesus?  She simply held them dear!  Yes, they were to come to pass, but it was not for that day.  So many things are for the days that are out ahead of us.  Truly, it doesn’t make them any less real to God.  After all, II Peter 3:8 tells us “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, & a thousand years are like a day.”  I guess that’s back to the message about patience that I so often wonder over to in Hebrews 10:35.  “Do not throw away your confidence, it will be richly rewarded. You have need to persevere (have patience) so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.” 

Truly, the Lord has a great desire in His heart that has yet to come to pass too, so I guess He also understands how we feel.   Bringing us home to be with Him is the treasure of His heart.  He will never give up on that day, confident that it will come to pass.  James 5:7 says “Behold the husbandman waits for the precious fruit of the earth & has long patience for it.”  If we could see the big picture we would understand more clearly.  For me personally I’m content in knowing that, though I don’t see right now what I hold onto in my heart by faith, God is working to bring it all to pass.  If we could see into the realm of the Spirit, there would be angels busily working on all that we’ve brought forth in prayer.  

Maybe you haven’t yet seen the desires of your heart, so you’ve decided it might just be too big for God. Nonsense!!  Nothing, absolutely nothing, is too big for God.  One of my all time favorite scriptures is Isaiah 55:9 which tell us “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”  Trust me, He can think way bigger than us & wants way more for you than you have yet to conceive in your heart.  Remember Ephesians 3:20 says “He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” We’ll do well to remember the last part of that scripture, which is vital to seeing the dream manifest.  It is truly “according to the power that is at work in us”.  Therefore, we have a part to play as well!  It’s more than just being patient; it’s standing in faith & watching over in prayer.  For Isaiah 55:11 also explains to us that God’s word sown into the earth cannot return empty, but will accomplish all that they have been sent to do.  Just like seed-time & harvest, it has to come forth in the earth.

What do you do while you are waiting?  Well, one thing good to remember is Matthew 7:6 which tells us “not to cast our pearls before swine”.  That sounds kind of tough, but I’ve sure learned to understand & appreciate those precious Words of wisdom from the Lord.  In life you will find there are more people ready to tell you why your dream can’t come true than why it can.  All we need is the Word, which tells us in Ph 3:14 that “We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.”  Glory!!!  You see, there are plenty of people out there who settle for ordinary, but I believe that God delights in His children that will dare to dream big.  After all, they are the ones He chose to write about in His Word!

Joseph had a dream that took him through the pit, slavery & prison before it was realized.  All that mattered in the end was that it did come to pass.   We should also mention that because he held onto his dream, all of God’s family was saved during a vast famine in the land!  His dream has such purpose, was met with such opposition yet came to pass in the perfect timing of God.  It may be the same for you & I as well, but I promise you that in the end all the will matter is that our dreams were fulfilled.  Please, don’t let go of what’s in your heart… for surely He is able to bring it to pass.

Turning 40 On Thanksgiving by Judi Jo Adams

Turning 40 on Thanksgiving!

I thought I’d take a moment & journal my thoughts about turning 40 on Thanksgiving day.   I think God has a great sense of humor,  after all He is the one who numbers our days.  I had to chuckle to myself when I realized that this milestone event happened on my favorite day of the year! How can I be anything less than abundantly grateful for this amazing journey? 

Today I dropped Russ at the airport, destined for a very special trip to Egypt.  Since he is missing my birthday & Thanksgiving, we simply celebrated early.  After all, life is what we make it! He surprised me ever so sweetly with 3 gifts at 3 very special places.  One of these spots is on top of a hill by a church that looks over our city.  Almost 18 years ago today, we first took our little adventure & found that incredible place.  From that beautiful vantage point, we would pray together, dream together & envision what our lives would hold for God.

As we returned to that precious place, & the sun was setting, such heartfelt Thanksgiving came from the very depths within me.  We are fulfilling our dream that began nearly 2 decades ago!  Now, I must admit that in my youth, I never dreamed of the bumps that would lie in the road & the obstacles that would challenge our way.  It’s a good thing too!  Today, I can say I am thankful for each dip & turn.  They have brought me to my knees in consecration to this call & made me a woman stronger than I ever dreamed. So, thank you my precious Heavenly Father for leading me down a path less traveled & giving me the grace to go the distance.

I also thought I would share my response to “What does turning 40 mean to you?”  My answer to this question seems so obvious & yet one I had never realized until this day.  It means that I have the understanding “now” that I will also turn 50, I will turn 60, I will turn 70 and so on.  I realize that this gift of life is so very beautiful & so very fragile.  I have only been given one to live, or better yet, one to give.  If you will allow me to say it this way, all I care about is being completely & utterly used up when my journey is done.

Though once I did not realize the pride that truly I carried when someone would give a gracious word.  Now, I can say that I want no recognition on earth from men.  I would rather every tongue be held in silence, so that on that day I may receive honor from the one who gave His all for me.  How I want no glory here, please God let it all be there.  I look towards the next half of my life so differently, desiring it to be less of me & more of Him.

I stand here today at 40, celebrating Thanksgiving, looking forward with great expectation.  So many lessons learned, so many miles traveled & a view before me that is brighter than the noon day sun. Sometimes, it simply seems that I am finally ready to run this great race.

The Fragrant Life by Judi Jo Adams


My childhood memories are full of beautiful smells.  My parents owned flower shops and I grew up running the aisles and sneaking into the cooler.  Oh, I can remember walking in that cooler just to smell how amazing it was when it was full of flowers.  I especially loved to take a rose and hold it up to my lips and feel the soft petals and just breathe.  It has to be one of the most wonderful aromas in life!  Did you know that in the Spirit our life is to be a sweet smelling fragrance to God?  It’s true, it’s possible and He gives us the secrets along the way to living a triumphal life!

“Thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.  For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and who are perishing.” -- II Cor 2:14  He goes on to say the we are the “fragrance of life”.    

So, the question that stands today is simple.  If Heaven could smell us, what would we smell like?...

Would it be sweet, meaning that through all the trials and victories we have kept our hearts right and continued to praise Him.  Or, would it simply stink!  Ladies, it’s never too late to turn it around.  You know, a rose grows best in a pile of manure…it is true!  The secret is found in the verse above and, when put into practice; it can change our lives into a sweet smelling sacrifice to our Lord and King!

Now, we all know that when looking with our own eyes life doesn’t always seem like some wonderful victory walk.  If we are honest, we have all had huge bumps along the way and gone through experiences that we may not understand.   Well, the Word does let us know that in this life we will have troubles in Jn 16:33,  and yet he still said he would always lead us in triumphal procession.  So, how can this be true?  Well, it’s a matter of focus and a matter of what is coming out of us.

One of my all time favorite chapters is Psalms 23.  It beautifully shows us the answer and the secret.  It simply paints a picture for II Cor 2:14.  You see, this chapter talks about Him being our shepherd, causing us to lie down in green pastures and restoring our soul.  It also talks about a table, the kind with every good thing we need for a wonderful life, but did you notice that table is spread in the presence of our enemies?  Again, those green pastures and still waters are as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

So, how does that all add up?  Well, the victory, the still waters and the spread table, are on the inside!  They are where Christ abides in us.  Where no matter what we see we are going through to the other side!  Though problems surround us and we seem pressed on every hand, we have a voice that says, “Thanks be unto God, who always leads me…”  Yes, that is the key to walking in victory.  I mean, do we want to be
moved by the circumstances that are around us and are temporal?  Or, do we want to put our eyes on the one who is eternal and abide in His place of victory?  It’s our choice you see. We can stop, sit down in our mess, look around and think there is no way out.  That equals stink.  Then again, trials can surround us, but at any time we can look to the one who is our green pastures, rest in Him and lift up our voice of victory.  Why?  He will always lead us through! Now, that is a sweet smelling life!

I’ve lived in many countries and often found myself alone in a dark alley or on a strange subway.  I’ve been surrounded by some of the grossest depictions of humanity, yet when I lean into Him at the same time I’m surrounded by the wonders of Heaven.  It’s all a matter of focus and of looking inward to Him!  I’ve been in the I.C.U. with my son on top of me and heard a horrible report about his life.  Where do I choose to look and what will my song be?  He led Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego through the fire without even a smell.  He brought Joseph out of the prison and fulfilled his dream.  I choose if I let the smell of death stay on me or if I rise up and say…”Now thanks be unto God who gives me the victory”  --I Cor 15:57. Ladies, that is an example of a triumphal procession and what leads us out!

Jesus is our greatest example and as he went to His darkest hour, God made sure to mark it with a triumphal procession ( you can read it in Mark 11 ).  Why?   He wasn’t looking with our human eyes!  In His darkest hour He shined the brightest and offered up a sweet smelling sacrifice.  It’s all about a heart adjustment. “I may be walking through this mess, but it’s not getting in me!” Col 1:27 says “Christ in you the hope of glory!”  All we need to do is let the hope of glory out of our mouths!  We lead our triumphal procession by the words we say.  We either go through in victory by our voice or we sit down, are quiet and simply stink.

Ladies, let’s let our darkest time be our finest hour.  It’s a new season, one to fully put our trust in Him, knowing He will lead us through.  Let’s surround one another in a Spirit of faith and cheer one another on to victory.  Let’s lift up our eyes and place them on our King…the one who is Creator!  Mostly, let’s open our mouths and let out thanks to Him!  Nothing could smell sweeter than Him knowing everything we are experiencing and still finding us in worship to Him.

A Season To Be Patient by Judi Jo Adams

A Season To Be Patient

Patience…oooo it’s such a yucky little word.  It’s a virtue that seems very difficult to embrace.  Do we have to be patient?  Well, I think as we take a little glance into the heart of God today, we will all agree that this one little word can change our entire worlds.  It is simply a requirement in bringing forth the promises of God.

I was so challenged this week while reading a post from Dr. T.L. Osborn on Lk 8:11-15.  So often we think of sowing and reaping in terms of giving, but this sure brings out an insightful new dimension for us.  The sower wasn’t sowing money, though that is an invaluable lesson, he was sowing the Word.  Ding, ding, ding! Let’s stop right there a moment.

Patience in bringing for the promise is only good if the Word has first been sown.  If not, there is nothing spoken into the earth for the Holy Spirit to act upon, so nothing can take place.  Now, that’s not good because we know that “Hope deferred makes the heart sick” in Pr 13:12.   We have to find God’s promises in his Word, put them into our hearts until revelation comes and then speak them forth with power.

Ahhh… then presto, instant results!  Well, I wish it was just like Jack and the Bean Stalk with an instant harvest, but usually it’s not that way.  If we take a look into creation itself, we see seasons in operation.  There is a time to plant, water, wait and reap. That means there is a season to simply be patient.

Right now is an exciting time in the U.S.A.!  Harvest is here and the farmer’s markets are full. We just had our first home grown tomatoes of the season.  Yum, I wait all year for a true ripe tomato sandwich.   Although it didn’t happen overnight, we were sure they would arrive when their time was right.  Is it any different in God’s Kingdom?

In Lk 8:15 we see that the harvest was brought forth with patience.  One of my favorite passages is Isaiah 55.  It holds a beautiful reminder for us all.  Just like spring time and harvest, so goes the Word of the Lord once spoken.  It will not return void, but will accomplish all it was sent to do!  Glory to God!  That means that once the Word is spoken a promise has to come forth.

I do however see something in the Word that can hinder what we have prayed from happening.  What is it?  It is our lack of patience.  When we lose heart in waiting, we often get weary and stop trusting.  The Bible clearly says in Gal 6:9, “Be not weary in well doing for in due season you will reap IF you faint not”.  That alone, not the enemy, can stop our harvest. 

So what should we do?  We must remember that there is no need to be weary in waiting, because God’s Word is true.  The seed of His Word in the ground is the most powerful plant in the earth!  It has to spring forth!

As much as we don’t like it, patience also has a something to accomplish in us.  Ja 1:4 says, “But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing”.   I think it makes us more like Him and isn’t He… oh, so patient with us!

So, I want to encourage you today.  Just like there is seed time and harvest in the earth, so it is with God’s promises in your life.  Speak the Word forth and then simply be patient, while resting and trusting that God is at work.  Your promise will surely come to pass!

An Old Index Card by Judi Jo Adams

An Old Index Card

Just the other day my mom handed me something very special. It was an old index card, very worn and yellow with age. On the card were words my father, who is now in Heaven, had typed with an old fashioned type writer when he was young. It's a glimpse into his heart. Today I imagine that the words written on it are magnified to him way beyond the passion he had in that moment.

Here are a few of those words entitled "The Upward Look"...

As God looks at man it is too bad that he sees him looking outward instead of upward; sees him concentrating more time and effort on things earthly than things heavenly; sees him building structures and cities with seemingly firmer foundations than those he has found for his soul. Still he searches, for the man who is looking up. -John Henry Boewe

My father was an inspiration in my life and somehow I imagine I am carrying out his passion. Many years ago, in the 1950's, he was a missionary to Nicaragua. Through a series of events and after contracting jungle rot in his legs, he had to return home. Shortly after, he met my mother and settled down to raise our family. He made sure our family was in church and put a respect and honor in us for God.

As a small child I can remember laying in the grass "looking up" into the clouds. The memory is so vivid in my heart. My thoughts were consumed about God, simply wanting to understand Him and His massive world. It was those thoughts as a small child that led me on in my pursuit, realizing that it is only through looking up that we continually keep our focus in life.  II Cor 4:18 says it all so perfectly:

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal"

One day, I'll join dad again!  It's my desire that when that moment comes, I stand there knowing that my life on earth was spent focused on what matters. You know, looking at something that lasts forever and not the things that will be gone in a moment.  Endeavoring to live my life according to Jn 4:35, which issues us this challenges today:

"Do not say, four months more and then the harvest? I tell you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields!  They are ripe for harvest."

Petals In My Pages by Judi Jo Adams

“Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.  Remember the wonders He has done.” ~I Chronicles 16: 11 - 12

On our first missions trip, many moons ago… okay it was exactly 17 years ago next month, I started a little tradition all my own.  We landed in Greece, in route to India, where we spent a week in the quaintest little apartment that belonged to the son of a pastor friend.  The outdoor balconies so mixed in with the hallways of the home that, unlike in America, they are included as part of your living space.  It’s is truly delightful!  Covering the cement walls were flowers of all different kinds & I especially fell in love with the aroma of jasmine.  Oh, my!  Now, that must be a foretaste of what Heaven smells like.
When we went to leave that amazing spot, I plucked a flower from the bush & pressed it between the pages of my Bible.  Well, that continued from country to country & from favorite spot to favorite spot.  The pages of my Bible became full of pressed flowers.  I must confess, to keep them from falling out I squeezed most of them in the books like Job & Leviticus, which I don’t quite frequent as often.

For me, they have become memorials.  Reminders of where God has carried us & difficulties that have sprung forth into victories. Though not always easy at the crossings, the children of Israel did the same. They would build memorials to God, like in Deut 27 after they had crossed the Jordan into the Land God had promised.  This remind them, & their children to come, of His great faithfulness.  I guess they knew, God knows, that we all need reminded of His faithfulness.

The perfect example of this is found in Mt 15, you remember at the feeding of the multitude the second time.  Well, He had already done it once and amazed them all!  In the first account there were just five loaves & two fish.  Once Jesus prayed over it & blessed it, well, the baskets never ran empty! You would think they would remember this the next time that they came to the same situation but, like we often all do, they were again wondering how the multitude would be fed!  

Sound familiar?  He has brought us through some event in life & then years later we stand at the same place wondering how we will get to the other side.  Build a monument today!  Do something to remind you of His great faithfulness!  Put a petal in your page, snap a picture or write a journal.  We simply need to be reminded that the one who was faithful before will be faithful again!

As I Walked Through The Door by Judi Jo Adams

As I Walked 
Through The Door

I walked through the front door of our house the other day, after traveling for several weeks.  Ahh, that special feeling of being home greeted me once again.  As I carried my little boy down the hallway, who had hours before fallen asleep for the night, I was overwhelmed with peace.  There is just something about that feeling of coming home that I can only imagine in one other place.

I believe that God gives us foretastes on earth of what Heaven is going to be like.  We have precious gems, to understand the glory of the New Jerusalem.  We have beautiful rivers to understand the moving of His Spirit.  That day, I had my own home to remind me of how amazing it will be when we walk though those gates and enter into His eternal rest.  What a joy to look forward to, what a hope to be embraced.

Then, I was once again gently reminded of Psalms 23.   At a close study, we understand that what was going on around the writer was not necessarily a reminder of Heaven.  He was surrounded by the presence of his enemies & going through the valley of the shadow of death.  Have you ever felt that way?  I sure have!  It was in those times, that this passage of scripture became real to me.  We don’t have to wait for Heaven to experience green pastures & still waters on the inside.  They are for us now, but they require something of us.

After Jesus rose from the dead, we were not left here alone.  A Comforter has come to abide with us forever.  Jesus said in Jn 14:16-20, He was to be with us & to live in us.  There is no need to wonder where we need to look to experience peace.  We look inside, where He abides!  We aren’t waiting for Heaven.   We put our eyes on what is eternal, taking them off of the temporary.  We become doers of 2 Cor 4:18, looking at the things that are not seen.    
So when the storm rages & the winds blow, we know where our peace comes from!  Acts 17:28, an all time favorite of mine, says "for in Him we live and move and have our being."  We must put our eyes on Him, not on the storm.  It is simply our choice, but it will produce the greatest peace.  Why put our eyes on our bank account, which could look empty, when we can put our eyes on the one who will supply our every need?  Why put our eyes on our sicknesses, when we can look to the one who went around doing good and healing every manner of disease.

I can remember a few years back when I was in Mexico city with my husband and my mom.  We went to visit a hotel with a beautiful outdoor restaurant, little did we know it was titled after a lion tamer & there was a lion fenced in the garden.  It was night time & we were walking beside the fence row, my mom being right by the fence.  Now, you have to understand, she doesn't even like big dogs.  Without us knowing he was there, that lion had walked up right beside us & let out the roar of a life time.  Well, how can I put it in words?  My mom jumped, ran & ended up in the lap of a Mexican man.  We still laugh about that!

We had no idea what was in the fence!  Let me tell you, it was mighty & powerful!  So it is with us, we have been given all we need to make it through this life victoriously.  Col 1:27 lets us know that Christ in us is the hope of Glory. No need to wait to experience the wonders of Heaven until we arrive.  Let's tap into all He offers now!  As Jesus shared with His disciples that He would be sending them His Spirit, He began by calling Him the Comforter.  That is who He is in us!  All we need abides closer than the air we breath!

How wonderful it would be to experience Heaven now, like so many that have gone before us.  I sometimes feel like Paul in Phil 1:23-24 who said it was more needful to be here, yet you can tell from his passion he would rather be there.  We have a job to do, a life to live & only this one opportunity to do something for Him.  The joy of truly being home is before us & it is our blessed promise to help us look forward.  Until then my friend, we have the presence of His Spirit that lives inside.  At any moment, in the middle of any storm or simply when we need a rest, we can look to the one who lives inside and experience Him now.

A Fresh Look At 2010 by Judi Jo Adams

A Fresh Look At 2010

The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.  So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.”  Luke 1:35

Mary was greeted by the most astonishing message on that day, so long ago, when the angel appeared to her.  We must remember she lived in a day when the voice of God was still rare & angels speaking to people were not the norm! Why?  We needed a Savior, someone to bring us back into fellowship with the presence of God.

Can you imagine how shocking it was to Mary to hear she would be used in the amazing reconciliation plan of God?  She could have given many responses, knowing that this could separate her from her engagement to Joseph.  Out of her heart came the beautiful answer:

“Be it unto me according to your will.”  Luke 1:38   

We tend to glamorize the manger & the years that followed Mary, but the truth is that it had to be difficult.  From having a baby in a dirty stable to escaping to Egypt & leaving their families behind, her obedience to God required her to pay a price.  

There is no greater place to be than in the center of God’s will.  At the same time, obedience to Him does cost us something.  If you study the life of Paul, he gave his all to press on in the plan of God.   Now, every moment of that will be rewarded with the very glory of God &, with that in mind, it makes each trial worth every minute!  I can remember many examples where it cost me greatly to obey God.  On our first trip to India, we travelled for 100’s of hours in coach class Indian trains… talk about rough!  With a huge back pack on my back, I can remember one day when I simply couldn’t physically walk another step!  Thronged by a crowd of people, I simply stopped walking & had reached the point of exhaustion.  Why?  Well, it requires something of us to follow in His steps & I would happily do it all over again.

Going through difficult times does not necessarily mean you are out of the will of God!  It may very well mean you are in harmony with his perfect plan!  Let’s think about this, His desire would be that we still lived in His glorious garden, but He understands that now we have to go the dirtiest of slums to seek what He has lost.   According to Luke 14:28, there comes a time in life when we simply have to count the cost.  In doing so, we realize that it is worth every last penny!  We gain a Heavenward focus & it changes everything for us!  We come to know that what we give up on earth is what we gain in Heaven, laying up for us riches that far exceed them all.

Well, New Years is almost here & with it generally comes a time when we stop to refocus.  As we do that this year, let’s take a fresh look at 2010 & consecrated anew to His plan.  When we stay consecrated, we are quicker to obey & hesitate less at what requires more of us.  During the years that we lived overseas, I found myself consecrating a fresh so often.  Truly, it does help us obey without looking back! For the children of Israel to get to the Promise Land, they had to go through the dessert.  For Joseph to be made second in all the land, he had to go through prison.  For us to fulfill the beautiful plan ahead of us, we must consecrate to walk through anything required to get to our promise as well!

A Morning Like This by Judi Jo Adams

A Morning Like This

All hope seemed gone!  How could the situation ever be made right?  It was truly Mary Magdalene & the other Mary’s darkest hour on their way to the tomb that morning, like we read about in Mathew 28. Though one doesn’t want to cast away their confidence for it has great recompense for reward (Hebrews 10:35), it had to appear that their hope had died.  It’s amazing how God always has a plan, a higher road and a way to even resurrect our dreams.  We see it take place that beautiful morning we call Easter & we can also see it take place in our own lives as well.

They had walked with him, talked with him & cared for him!  Wasn’t he to be the Messiah?  How could this have happened and how could God step in now to make it all right.  Well, that’s the beauty of His high ways!  We see it come alive in the message of Easter!  To our emotions it looked like He paid the highest price and lost, but in the Spirit we go on to learn what He accomplished brought us back to the Father!  Best of all, we know that the Lord is the same yesterday, today & forever  (Hebrews 13:8).  This means that He showed us part of who He is on that wonderful morning & how He wants to resurrect our situations as well! 

What do we need to learn from this story for own lives, apart from the beautiful story of the resurrection that we all cherish during this season? It doesn’t matter what any problem looks like or even if it seems your window of opportunity has come and gone. It doesn’t matter what man does to us, says about us or plans for us.  All that matters is that God is a God of impossibilities (Mathew 19:26)! Throughout time He had a plan to bring us back to Himself and to make things right, so how much more does He now watch over our lives with a plan to lead us to our dreams!

So where does that leave us today, especially if we find ourselves in a situation where hope seems gone?  It leaves us with Mary Magdalene & Mary…. Running to Him!  They were going where they could find Him.   Though they thought it was a tomb, they met Him on the way & everything was now alright.  So, we run to Him, the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).  He is the one who goes before, sees ahead & holds the power to change!  We don't run in desperation, but in anticipation that He can turn what is wrong into something perfect.

As we celebrate Easter, we celebrate life! We rejoice in the one who holds resurrection power, both now and forever more.  He is able to restore you!  Let us all put our trust in Him today, running to the one who lives!