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Give Me Your Eyes

If your life resembles anything like mine, each day is crammed full of endless things that have to be done. Our lists may not look the same, but nonetheless, it is safe to say we all lead incredibly busy lives! As we go about our day, we brush shoulders with people-people in line at the grocery store, the waiting room in a doctor's office, paying for our gasoline at the gas station. We look at people every day, but are we really seeing them? If we would take an honest look inside ourselves, many times we see people as faceless or as obstacles.

But people aren't faceless. People all around us each have a story. They are hurting. They are broken. They need God. They need the God living inside of me! But how do I get His love inside of me to flood into their broken world? It first starts with realizing we need to see people the way God sees them, and truly SEE them, not just look. Looking involves only a moment in time, but seeing, yes, seeing requires more from us. Seeing people requires taking in information, empathizing, sympathizing, and compassion that moves us to action.

If you have ever been like me, you may be so wrapped up in your own agenda, your plan, that you never notice those people around you. It is so easy to do, stay focused, go in the store, get what you need, keep your head down and get out of the store as quickly as you can - never acknowledging that the person in line next to you even exists. Not only do they not exist, but they don't even deserve the time of day, a smile, a kind gesture, a listening empathetic ear or a simple prayer offered. But maybe that same person in line is on the brink, needing someone, anyone, to pull them back. Our lives are never just happen stance. God places us where he does, when he does, for a reason, every day. Maybe that hateful person who took "your" parking space just buried their child, overcome with grief. You never know what someone's story is or what they're going through. But Jesus does. He knows and he cares. And he is just waiting for someone who knows Him to reach out in love to that person who desperately needs his love-through you.

"Well," you may say, "I don't know them, why should I care? They mean nothing to me." In order for us not to see people as faceless, we must realize that every person has inherent value. Jesus died for each and every person on the planet. That makes them valuable! And as His followers, we must place that same value on people. Every person we meet or come in contact with has an eternal destiny of either heaven or hell and the heart of God beats for every one of them! That in and of itself should move us to compassion-just as Jesus was moved with compassion when he walked this earth. Jesus SAW people and his seeing involved compassion that moved him to action. I have heard compassion defined as "your pain in my heart." I rather like that definition! For it perfectly portrays what our Lord Jesus must have felt as he ministered to people.

Matthew 14:14 - "And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick." NKJV

"Well," you may say, "I'm a very busy person. I don't have time to waste or to stop in the middle of my day. I have a schedule to keep." I bet Jesus was a busy person too, saving the whole world and all! But he took time to stop and care. Maybe you're thinking, "But what if they don't listen? What if they reject me or laugh at me?" Well, I believe you're in good company, for that very thing happened to Jesus. So he understands how you feel. But what if some people do listen? I guarantee some will reject you, but most will be so grateful that someone took the time to care. There is a very real danger to see people as obstacles to our schedule or agenda, or caring what someone will think of us. Have we asked Jesus to be the LORD of our lives, or haven't we? Either he is our Lord or he isn't! You know what I mean? If he is our Lord, then he is our Master-the one who is in charge of, yes, even our schedule!

So, how do we develop compassion in our hearts and lives? The Bible says we are to clothe ourselves with compassion (Colossians 3:12). It is not something that we should ever take off, but keep as a constant attitude of the heart. The Message Bible says it like this, "...dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline." (Col. 3:12) Ladies, you will never look sharper nor be better dressed! And it all starts with seeing people through God's eyes of compassion! Maybe, just maybe, God wants to challenge us and change us to begin to not be so preoccupied with our own lives that we never notice the hurting and broken people around us and instead look for ways to reach out to those same broken and hurting people.

Following is a link to a Christian video.I can't watch it without tears welling up in my compassion eyes; it touches my heart so. If you can, I encourage you to click on it and view it too.

Choosing God's wardrobe,

Kim Dillingham

1 comment:

  1. This made me stop and really think. Much of the time we are encased in our own world and our own agendas. But to have His eyes, wow what a thought. I really like the idea of his love from inside of me flooding into others' broken worlds. Stepping outside of ourselves for one moment can impact eternity. The song and video by Brandon Heath is amazing! I have that on my play list! Thank you for this! Stephanie S.
