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Pull Hard....And Don't Let Go!

Pull Hard...And Don't Let Go!

Our youngest daughter, Michaela is 10 years old.  For the past two years, she has been dealing with lactose and gluten intolerance.  Although we have meds that allow her to consume dairy products with no ramifications, there are no meds available for the gluten issue.  So, the end result is a gluten-free diet.  This can be a bit of damper when it comes to birthday celebrations and parties at school as cookies, cakes, snack type finger foods, etc. most generally all contain gluten.  

Since we uncovered the issue two years ago,we have been standing in faith believing for complete healing and restoration in her digestive system.  But she is a child, and so occasionally I get the questions of, "Why is it taking so long for healing to come?"  Great question and one we often ask ourselves even as adults.

I am a person who LOVES analogies, so I began pondering an analogy that would help her understand this whole faith walk and what our responsibility is.  

You may have heard it said that Jesus has already done all that He can do for our healing.  In Is. 53:5, it says that by his stripes we ARE healed.  Stripes here refers to the wounds that were on His back from the scourging.  That ARE is current tense.  So, if we ARE healed, how do we explain why we still deal with the physical issues?

I explained to Michaela that there is a Spiritual realm (the heavenlies) and a physical/natural realm in which we live.  In the Spiritual realm, she is healed.  But the natural/physical realm is different.  These are two separate 'domains' so to speak.  Although that is true, we must remember that we can change the physical realm, by bringing down the Spiritual realm.

Have you ever seen a roller shade?  It is a type of venetian blind.  It is nothing more than a rod with a vinyl type covering wrapped around it.  The ends of the rod are then finished off with a type of toggle that allows the shade to operate once installed at the window.  When the roller shade is raised or completely up, there is no evidence to the natural eye that it will come down and cover the entire window.  It simply looks like a rod covered with vinyl mounted at the top of the window.  

However, if we will grab the bottom of that shade and pull it down, we will find that the entire window can be covered, cutting off the outside world.  We pull that shade, believing that it will come down and that the window will be covered.

And so it is with healing, or any other promise from God's Word.  It has been installed in the spiritual realm.  Our job is to grab a hold of it and pull it down until the entire situation is covered in the physical realm.  We do that through prayer and declaration of the Word, holding fast that what God has promised is coming down.  Entertaining doubt and questioning sends that shade right back up to the top.  We must grab hold of that shade and not let go.  By faith we pull and pull and pull until the whole situation is covered by the promise and we see a change in the physical realm. 

Grab hold my may take a while, but oh how sweet the victory will be.  

Be Blessed!


  1. GREAT analogy Dawn!! It reminds me of something I always say regarding prayer: Touching Heaven, Changing Earth (that was actually an album title by Hillsong but it has always spoken to me). I love how you explained this to your daughter. Many adults would do well to understand thiis also :)

  2. I agree with Daphne... this simple child's analogy is so good for all of us! I'm pulling!!!!!
