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Practicing His Presence

Have you ever wondered how it's possible to fulfill certain scriptures? I Thessalonians 5:16-18 offers these instructions to us as believers. "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

The words used here are pretty emphatic... "always, without ceasing, and in everything". I think where I've gotten tripped up in the past is looking at scriptures like this as a task list, when really what God is talking about is doing a heart check.

Rejoicing always and giving thanks are a state of the heart, not just positive words and emotions. For myself, these things spring from knowing and focusing on all that Christ has done for me on the inside, that as time goes on I see so marvelously manifesting all around me on the outside. It doesn't mean I never have "a moment" when I feel upset or discouraged, but it does mean that it will stay just that...a moment. Rejoicing always and giving thanks are the intentional decision to move past negative feelings and choose not to focus on a problem or challenge, but on the fact my God is bigger than any problem or challenge! 

"Pray without ceasing" can sound like a big order until we understand what prayer really is -- not just words, but a constant state of fellowship between my heart and the Father. I certainly believe that we should have personal, focused times of prayer, but when we leave those times is prayer over for the day? The great evangelist Smith Wigglesworth is quoted as saying this regarding prayer, "I rarely pray longer than 20 minutes at a time, but I never go for more than 20 minutes without praying."

I was walking around my house this morning just loving on the Father...spending time telling Him how grateful I am for all He has done and thanking Him for His goodness. While doing this, I was doing laundry and making my breakfast. When I sat down to eat, I had taken a few bites before I realized I hadn't specifically prayed over my food. All at once I felt a pang of guilt, but no worries... that was quickly dispelled by the Holy Spirit reminding me that I had been in prayer all morning, and my thanksgiving covered the food I was eating. Am I saying not to pray over our food when we eat? Of course not! What I am saying is that a continual state of fellowship with the Father covers so much more than we realize. What God truly desires is my fellowship, not just the things (that if we're honest) we often do more out of form and tradition. I can recall countless times of sweet fellowship when doing housework or driving down the road the Father has revealed things to me, comforted me in amazing ways, and given me direction I needed.

I encourage you to simply begin to practice God's presence. He is always there...right there with you, right now. It doesn't matter where you are in the world, what is going on in your country, in your house, on your job...or anywhere else...He is there. Really, that's all that matters. Don't let so many moments pass without speaking to Him. Love Him... tell Him what is on your heart... thank Him for all He's done... ask Him questions... just be with Him. My eyes fill with tears just thinking of how very glad I am to have Him always so near. He truly is the friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Amazed at His love,

Debbie Beck

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