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Spaghetti & Meatballs Mama

Spaghetti & Meatballs Mama

For Sauce:
box of your favorite pasta
2 15 oz cans tomato sauce
1 15 oz can petit diced tomatoes
1 6 oz can tomato paste
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 yellow onion, diced small
2 tbls EVOO
dried or fresh basil
dried or fresh oregano
1/3 c red cooking wine
pinch of sugar

For Meatballs:
1 pound hamburger
1 pound Italian sausage
2 beaten eggs
1/4 c dried onion flakes
3/4 c Italian bread crumbs
1/2 c milk
1/2 c parmesan cheese
more basil & oregano

What man doesn't love spaghetti & meatballs!  It just fills you up & warms the soul!  Seems like whenever Russ comes back from being on a mission trip, he is just craving meatballs!  It's a very simple recipe with an easy homemade sauce too!

Meatballs first! We'll get them going & get them in the oven!  So, simply whip the 2 eggs first and then add in all the ingredients for you meatballs.  Ok ladies, you just have to get your hands in there! Mix it all up and it should be fairly wet, this will allow your meatballs to be nice & moist.  This is one of the few times I like to substitute dried onion for real, but it works for the meatballs!  Now, get a cookie sheet out and preheat the oven to 350.  Create a work station with your bowl of meat & your cookie sheet beside you.  Gently roll the meatballs into your preferred size, but I like to keep mine fairly small like you see above, and place them on the cookie sheet.  Put them in the oven and bake about 25 - 30 minute or until just barely cooked through (we are going to let them simmer in the sauce, so they can finish cooking).  Half way through cooking give them a roll to brown all sides.  It will be ok if their shape is a little off!  When you put them in the sauce, you'll never know!

Now, the Sauce!  While the meatballs are cooking, heat EVOO in a heavy pan on Med/High heat.  Now, add in the onion & garlic and saute until onion just turns translucent, about 3-5 minutes.  Deglaze with cooking wine (I keep making mention of this, but cooking wine is simply wine with salt, it's no good for drinking but perfect for cooking.  All the alcohol will cook out).  Add in diced tomatoes, sauce & paste.  Now, I like a lot of basil, a good palm full, or about 2-3 Tbls... but, it's up to you.  Plus, about 1 Tbls of oregano, S&P and a good pinch of sugar.  You can substitute for fresh herbs as well, but you will need to increase the amount.  Now, it's time to reduce the heat & just let it simmer.  You'll have to give it a taste & adjust seasoning to your liking!

Once the meatballs are barely done, I like to gently place them in the sauce.  Now, just let it all simmer to marry the flavors & stir very carefully.  It can simmer as long as you like.  Right before eating, prepare your favorite pasta!  You can use this sauce recipe for any of your favorite Italian dishes!

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