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Wendy's French Bread Pizza

Wendy's French Bread Pizza

Recipe for 2 crusts:

3 1/2 cups flour
1 1/2 cup water
2 1/4 tsp yeast
1 tsp garlic salt
1-2 tbls EVOO
Spray Oil


1 sm can tomato sauce
fresh basil, rough chopped
dried oregano
garlic salt (or fresh minced)
s & p

Topping ideas:
1. Extra Cheesy,  for kids of course
2. Extra manly, for the man in your life:  Italian Sausage, Canadian
    Bacon, Mushroom & Bk olives
3. Extra girly, for us!  Spinach, artichokes, grilled chicken & lots of 
    fresh basil

Baking Instructions:  Pre-bake crust at 425 for 5 minutes or until desired doneness - some like it softer and others more crunchy!  Cover with spices and toppings and bake for approximately 5 minutes or until cheese is lightly browned.

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