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Mastering the Art of Being a Wife

We’ve all heard it said a time or two, the man may be the head but the woman is the neck giving it support.   Well, we’ve probably all heard it said a lot stronger than that, lol!  Let’s break it down a bit to see the balance of God in the situation.

We are after all his helpmate, which you can read about in Genesis 2:18.  It goes on to say, we were taken from his side; this is to stand by it & be a strength through life’s journey.  God is also clear that the man is the leader of the home in Ephesians 5:23.

That being said, it implies that we tenderly master the art of allowing our words to help the head turn in the directions of God.

Not doubt about it, “We have the ability of feminine persuasion on our side.” 

You know it’s true! Therefore, we must use this graceful God-given ability to glorify Heaven, as opposed to our own agenda.  Ouch!  There have been women through time with their own plans that have opposed God’s desires, turning many a man off his path… think about Samson & Delilah!  (Judges 16)

It’s kind of amazing that these incredible muscle bound creatures that God made can be so influenced by us, their much softer & physically weaker counterpart.  I guess that’s the beauty of God’s balance when used for His glory.  It’s perfect harmony!

So, ladies, what’s our job? 

We have to look past our emotions, divide what is soul & spirit, allowing Him to put in our hearts how to encourage our husbands.  Do we really realize how much they rise on our words of praise? It’s true!

Moreover, I’ve learned after being married over 20 years, that it’s usually not about what I say but when I say it that truly matters.  Oh my, oh my, can I get an amen?! Mastering self-control over when we use our words is among our biggest treasures, only followed by knowing when it’s best to say nothing at all!

Want to know what else I’ve learned the hard way?  I wasn’t intent to use my words to nag my husband or get my way, but to inspire him & help him to be the man God ordained him to be.  While I’m still learning how to stay in my sweet spot, I can say that my husband has become my very best friend. 

As put so perfectly in Ecclesiastes 4:9, two are better than one.  It’s God’s beautiful plan & despite what anyone says, we can work to make our marriages Heaven on earth.

~Judi Jo


  1. Fabulous my friend! Very well spoken and you definitely live what you preach! Love u Trish

  2. Amen, Amen!! Thanks for this beautiful article Judi Jo!

  3. Reading this over and over and over again! Wishing it were one Chapter in a Book of yours! :) Smiles.
