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R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Find out what it means to me!

I recently sat in the waiting room of the doctor's office with my daughter.  The doctor was running nearly 2 hours behind, so the waiting room was completely full.  The age range of those sitting in the waiting room was from infant to 80-ish.  It was sooo very quiet!  As I looked around the room, I was shocked that nearly everyone was mesmerized by an electronic device they held in their hand.  There were only 3 who did not, that was the infant which was taking a bottle and the 80 year old couple.  I found it sad, no one was conversing or interacting.  Even the mother feeding the baby had arranged herself so that she could hold the baby and bottle with one hand and had her phone in her other hand, with all of her attention on the phone.

Before I jump too far into this topic, let me first say it comes from my own personal conviction by the Holy Spirit.  So, please know that I'm as guilty as anyone in this arena!  

My conviction - I have allowed electronics to supersede my focus when I'm supposed to be interacting with people.  

In this day and age, nearly everyone has an electronic device of some sort - cell phone, i-pad, i-pod, nook, kindle, laptop, etc.  These devices are beautiful for keeping us connected across the miles.  They have flung the doors wide open for sharing the gospel across the globe.

But on the downside, they have also allowed us to send a de-valuing message to people. When we are with someone and receive a text or phone call and we respond to that, we have just sent the message to that individual that they are not as important as the incoming call or text.  Now, I'm not referring to emergency situations, we all have those and need to take them.  But 95% of what we respond to is not an emergency.  

The common response that I hear to this phenomena is, "Go ahead, I'm listening, I can multi-task."  That may be true, but you cannot multi-respect.  

A wise man of God once said, 'Wherever you are, be all there!"  You cannot be ALL there if you are fiddling with some sort of device.  If you are all there, you are listening, not just hearing. Here's the difference between the two:

Hearing - the faculty of perceiving sound

Listening - giving one's attention to a sound

The difference - giving attention to.  Even when we are correcting our toddlers, we often say, "Look at my eyes."  Why? Because there is an element of attentiveness (listening) in eye contact. If another individual is speaking, whether individually or in a group setting, out of respect, we need to have eye contact with them, not our device. 

Remember, I said this message comes from my own conviction.  As I've pondered this conviction, I've wondered how Jesus would handle an electronic device.  I just don't see him sitting at the table during the last supper with his laptop open checking facebook, twitter, email, etc.  Jesus loved(s) people.  He gave them His undivided attention.  As His ambassadors, should we not do the same?  

James 1:19 says this - "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak..."  This purpose of this scripture is to point out that we should focus more on listening than speaking, but the essence seems to be that we talk less to value the other person more.  How do we value them, by listening - attentively.  

Friends, I'm as guilty as anyone.  Just a few days ago, right in the middle of a group discussion, I read a humorous text message and then shared with the group.  Funny? Yes.  Necessary? No! Reading that text took my focus and attention away from the one speaking. As Christ's Ambassador, wherever I am, I want to be ALL there.  




  1. Thank you for this wonderful reminder Dawn! We talk to our kids alot about the fact that people are more important than things and this is a great way to be sure I am modeling that principle in front of them everyday. Great article!

  2. Glad you found it helpful! It is a tough challenge with kids, but an important one nonetheless. Blessings!
