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out of control

out of control

She’s out of control; he’s out of control, they’re out of control, I’m out of control . . . . sad to say, but this has become a very popular phrase in the 21st Century.  According to the definition for ‘out of control’ is:  not under management or direction; unmanageable or wild.'s 21st Century Lexicon follows suit with this expanded phrase for ‘out of control’ // Also, out of hand.  No longer under management, direction, or regulation; unmanageable or unruly.  For example, Housing costs are out of control, or the children were getting out of hand again. The first term uses control in the sense of “restraint,” a usage dating from the late 1500s.

Oh my!  This is most amazing: this term is dated all the way back to the 1500s.  Out of control – this conflict knows no age limits and no gender; no one is immune from experiencing it at some point in their lifetime.  It’s a place that really does match this definition of unmanageable or wild – wild emotions like spaghetti noodles all stuck together.   Your soul going to a place that is unruly and unimaginable; just as David said, why art thou downcast, why are you so restless, why are you down in the dumps, why are you so upset inside, ohhhhhhh my soul.   But, here’s good news……..             

Recently, I picked John G. Lake’s book back up: “His Life, His Sermons, His Boldness of Faith.”  As I was reading the Forward (again) by Gloria Copeland, I made a fresh commitment to read one of his sermons every day.  There’s one particular chapter that has changed my life forever.  I believe you will experience the same; here are some excerpts taken from his sermon, Triune Salvation:
Man is triune… spirit and soul and body . . . just the same as God is triune, being Father and Son and Holy Ghost.  Salvation begins at the time when the spirit is surrendered to God.  People wonder why, after having given their hearts to God and after having received a witness of the spirit, they are still troubled with evil desires and tempted in evil ways.  The nature has three departments, and therefore, the surrender of the spirit to God is not all that He demands.  God demands also the mind and the body.  The mind is the soul life; and it continues being of the earth – earthy - and doing earthy things until God does something to that mind, until we seek God for a new mind.

The Church at large recognizes the salvation of the spirit.  But they have not recognized the salvation of the mind and salvation for the body.  It’s found in the same manner: by committing the body and mind now and forever to God.  When we trust our minds (souls) and our bodies to man, two parts are out of the hands of God, and there remains only our spirits in tune with heaven.  It ought not to be so.  This absolute consecration to God, this triune salvation, is the secret of the successful Christian life.  Amen, Brother John Lake! 

23 And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through [separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God]; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete [and found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah).  24 Faithful is He Who is calling you [to Himself] and utterly trustworthy, and He will also do it [fulfill His call by hallowing and keeping you].  1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 (AMP)

The Lord has led me just today to recommit and consecrate my whole being to Him; spirit and soul (my mind, my intellect, my will, my emotions, my thoughts) and body.  All three parts in His hands, under His management, in tune with heaven and definitely NOT out of control!  Blessed be His name!

Mary McIver


  1. Wow!! This is an eye opener! Father, Son, Holy Spirit - body, soul, spirit. All of God wants all of man. This is a wonderful perspective. Thank you, my dear Pastor Mary!

