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P is for Purity Proverbs 31 Mother/Daughter Lesson 1

Session 1 P for Purity

1.  Icebreaker:  How well do you know your daughter?  Give questions below to moms and another to the daughters and have both fill them out without sharing answers.  (See attached questions)  Have person compare answers and the mom who has the most correct wins a prize.

2.  Teaching:  Read the story “The Princess and the Kiss” by Jennie Bishop
    Ask the questions below:

1.  Do you remember why God gave the princess the Kiss?  It’s because he loved her so dearly.  God loves each and every one of you.

2.  Do you know that you have always been loved?  Just like the princess, you were loved even before you were born.  You are a special treasure

3.  What was the gift God gave the princess?  What did it present?  The gift represents purity. 

4.  What is purity?   Webster’s say free from dirt, contamination or pollution.  Example of pure glass of water with pepper

 1 Tim 4:12 Don’t let anyone put you down because you are young.  Teach believers with your life, by word, by conduct, by love by faith and by purity (integrity)

Purity is to keep ourselves free from pollution like bad attitudes, sassy back to our mothers, hurtful words to our brothers and sisters, free from being jealous of our friend’s toys or being jealous of when our friends have other friend spend the night.

5.  What is the princess really guarding when she keeps her kiss safe?  She is guarding her heart.  How do we guard our hearts?  Ex:  bodyguard at door We must guard the doors and what is the door to your heart your mind.  So we must be careful little eyes what we see, be careful little ears what you hear, be careful little hands what you touch.  What movies do we watch, what music do we listen to?  Must guard what we fill our minds with because that is what goes into your heart. 

Prov 4:23-24
23      Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.
24      Put away from you a deceitful mouth, and put perverse lips far from you.

What will be the result of guarding your heart?  Matt 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. 

6.  To whom did God give the kiss first when the princess was a baby?  Parents are your guardians.  Ex:  Umbrella.

We have been instructed to watch over you by the Lord.  Ex:  3 year old drive a car?  Foolish 

7.  How was the princess wise?  Because she listened to her mother and father.  Prov. 1:8 Pay close attention friend to what your father tells you never forget what you learned at your mother’s knee.  What does God say about what will happen to those who honor their parents.  You will have long life and it will be well with you. 

3.  Spotlight of Honor:  Have the mothers share one Christ like quality that the daughter has demonstrated that week.

4.  Activity:  Fashion Show:  Have girls bring in dress up clothes and have some older teenage girls help them get dressed and represent a country.  Then have the girls parade in with some fancy music for the mothers.

5.  Snack:  Serve sunglass cake (Family Fun recipe) and Shirley temples (ginger ale with cherries)


How well do you know your daughter?

 1.  What is her favorite color?

2.  What is her favorite toy?

                           3.  What is her favorite food?

4.  Who is her closest friend?










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