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Watchman In The Spirit by Trish Yanney

Being a Watchman in the Spirit

I have found myself in the Word.  Proverbs 31 is my favorite passage in the Bible and my goal in life is to strive to be this type of a woman. So today we are going to be talking about being a Proverbs 31 woman.  There are many facets to this but the one I want to share today is found in two places in the Bible.  Let’s look at Titus 2:3-5 where the Lord commands the older women to teach the younger women:

Titus 2:3-5
3the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things--
4that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children,
5to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.

Also in 1 Tim 5:14, we are given instruction to manage the house:
14Therefore I desire that the younger widows marry, bear children, manage the house, give no opportunity to the adversary to speak reproachfully.

What does it mean to be a keeper of the home or manage the home?  Strongs defines the word “keeper” as a guard or a stayer at home, or domestically inclined.  
Is a keeper of the home just a housewife that takes care of the clothes, dishes, and the house?  Is there more involved than just this?  I believe this position is a key to the success of the family.  It was established by God and very valued by God.  I believe  the keeper of the home has been set by God to be a watchman or a guard of the treasures that God has endowed to her.  

What does a watchman do?  The first element of the watchman is the  important position the watchman carries in the army.  A watchman is placed by the army in an elevated position in order to see and protect the army from the enemy.  In order to perform his duties he sits at the high place.  God values the position of the keeper of the home and we must regard this position as a high elevated position.  The world has tried to keep mom out of her place by placing pressure on the family that in order to be somebody you must have a secular career.  There is no value in the world’s eyes on being a keeper of the home.  It is time that we see the value of our place at home.  In Prov. 4:12, it says, “The wife is the crown of her husband.”  We must honor and esteem this high position because it is very valuable in His Kingdom.

The second duty of the watchman is to take orders and carry them out.  We as the keeper of the home are to take orders from the Supreme Commander but also to submit to the commander that the Lord gave her and that is our husband.  Ephesians 5 gives us instruction that we are to submit to our own husbands as to the Lord.  Honoring and submitting to our husband’s leadership will empower him to do great things for God.  

The watchman’s job is to report any suspicion to the commander.  Women are compared to radar.  They have a sensitivity to things in the home.  Because of this we are keen to the things of the spirit and take care of things in the realm of prayer.  Praying in the Holy Ghost will provide security for your household.  How many times can things be avoided in our husband’s life or our child’s life by our prayers.  One year my husband was teaching in the Bible school and I had a funny feeling about one of the female students.  My radar was going off for Bill to be very careful concerning this person.  He was very appreciative and heeded my advice.  Later during the school year this particular student had an issue of immorality and had to be dismissed from school. Proverbs 31:27 says, “She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.”  We must watch over the ways of our household and protect the ones that have been given into our care!

Lastly, the watchman also sets an atmosphere of security in the home.  Why do convenient stores keep policemen in their parking lot at nights?  To provide a level of security that will protect and ward off any intruders that would attempt to bring harm.  Just like the police, a mom being at home provides an element of security for her husband and children.  Just knowing that mom is there will prevent evil from even attempting to come in the parameters!  

Remember your position as a keeper of the home!  You are very valuable in the sight of God.  He has given you an elevated position to protect your family.  By submitting to your Commander and Chief and submitting to your husband as to the Lord, you will empower your husband for success.  Be sensitive to the leadings of the Spirit and cover your family in prayer.  Take your position and set an atmosphere of security in your family and YOU will be God’s “Watchman” on the wall! 

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