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Trust the Mirror

Hello friends! I had a simple experience yesterday that sparked some thoughts I hope will be a blessing to you.

I was on my way out to work when I opened my garage door to find that a friend who was watching our girls for the day had parked right behind where I needed to pull out. At first I thought I might have to go back in and ask her to move her car so that I could leave, but then I thought I'd better take a closer look. With 5 girls up and about, I knew a quick trip into the house could turn into a 20 minute adventure!

So, I got out of the van and took a closer look and saw I had some room, but I still wasn't sure if I could make it. I got back in the van and began to turn the wheel and look in my mirrors to see if it would work. I could see in the mirrors there really was enough room to maneuver, but I was still pretty nervous. It almost seemed that what I saw on my own and what my mirrors were telling me were two different things. What seemed impossible to the natural eye alone looked possible in the mirrors. After a moment of hesitation, I told myself - "Debbie, just trust the mirror!" Within just a few moments of adjusting my wheels and paying close attention to what I saw in the mirror I was on my way!

In James 1:22-24, the Bible compares looking in the Word to looking in a mirror. The Scripture tells us that if we look in the mirror of the Word, but don't trust it enough to do what it says, then we have deceived ourselves. If I had looked in the mirror on my van and saw that what I needed to do was possible, but had walked away and not done it I would have deceived myself into believing that I couldn't do it, when in reality it was simply that I wouldn't do it.

Have you ever looked in the Word and read something incredible, but walked away thinking - "I can't do that or that's for people with a special call or special anointing." Although you may not feel like it in the course of your everyday life, my friend, you are a supernatural force in this world with all the power of Heaven behind you! If you believe in Jesus Christ and have confessed Him as Lord, there is nothing more special than that! I love Mark 16:15-18 because of these words in verse 17...."And these signs shall follow them that believe...." I remember the day I got the revelation that the supernatural power of God was available to me for one simple reason - I was a believer. Not because of a title, or who I studied under, or what country I lived in, or anything else....I could operate in the supernatural because I believed in a supernatural God.

So, the next time you are looking in the mirror of the Word and the Holy Spirit illuminates a Scripture to you and prompts your heart to step out in faith and "walk on the water" so to speak, don't be so quick to think - "I can't do that!" Take a good look at what He's asked you to do, then look at the mirror closely. If the mirror - the Word - says you can, make whatever adjustments you need to make and start moving that direction. Before you know it you'll be on your way to fulfilling one more part of the beatiful destiny God has prepared just for you.

Dear sister, He knows you and He loves. He will not lead you on to fail, but if you trust Him you will find yourself in a place of fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams.

All for Him,

Debbie Beck


  1. Beautiful post Debbie! I was blessed by this :)

  2. Me too... what a powerful illustration Debbie! Love this on so many levels & will be using this illustration in the years to come... :O)

  3. You are all so sweet! The Holy Spirit is so faithful to show us these wonderful things along the way. Couldn't do life without Him! Blessings!
