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70x7 by Tamera Ford


Forgiving, most will agree that it is important to do. How many times have we agreed in our head that we should forgive but held onto unforgiveness in our heart?

It’s easy to do. Have you ever had to clean the house and come across an object that you just don’t know where to put? You really don’t want it but you don’t want to throw it away either.  In those situations, I am always tempted to just shove it into my closet instead of dealing with it. The problem is that my closet becomes a mess, unorganized and full of unwanted items. Unforgiven situations and people can be the same way, yet instead of the closet being a mess, it’s our heart.

Matt 18:21-22 Then Peter came to Him and said, Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?”  Jesus said to him, “ I do not say to you, up to seven times but up to seventy times seven.
Jesus tells us don’t just forgive seven times, forgive 490 times.  Why? Unforgiveness doesn’t hurt anyone but you. Holding on to even a small part of the problem clutters up your heart. 

In chapter 18, Jesus continues to tell a parable about a man who wanted forgiveness but would not give it. 

We all would be lost in darkness if we were not forgiven by the mercy of God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Accepted or not, Jesus has provided forgiveness of sin for all mankind. He has given forgiveness without looking at if we deserve it.

Choosing to not forgive someone and yet relying on the forgiveness Jesus has given makes us a hypocrite. Unforgiveness not only clutters up our heart but also makes us a hypocrite. Yuck.

You may think that the situation you need to forgive is too awful and you just can’t do it. Ask yourself what will your heart look like a year from now, 10 years from now if you continue to shove that sin away and hold onto the anger?  

God’s ways are always best. His ways keep us free and allows us to walk in His best uncluttered!

I encourage you, if you need to forgive 490 times a day, do it. Don’t shove unforgiveness into your heart and tell yourself you’ll deal with it later. Choose to forgive today.

Need to pray? Father, I choose to forgive ________________ for what has happened. I am grateful for the forgiveness I have received and will be quick to forgive others. Help me to deal with the emotions attached to this situation. Thank you for loving me. In Jesus name, amen.

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