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Help, I Need Grace by Judi Jo Adams

Help, I Need GRACE!

Have you ever said to yourself  “Oh, God I need I grace for today!”  I can confess that I’ve sure had that thought on many days!  I can remember right where I was when I cried out to God for grace.  What followed was unexpected, as He carried me to His word to understand that I had a part to play.   Back in1993 we took our first missionary journey into India.  So vividly I can recall spending over 200 hours on second class train rides, carrying a back pack bigger than me & wondering how I would ever live to tell about all my adventures!

Before leaving on that trip I did a study on grace, knowing ahead of time I was going to need an extra dose of the unmerited ability of God!  I came across the most remarkable scripture that has forever changed my life.  Romans 5:2 says “Through whom also we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we stand.  And rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.” Thank God for the Holy Spirit & how quickly I found my answer.  I thought grace would just fall on me, like an apple in autumn lands on the ground.   I could now see that simply wasn’t the case &, that if I just waited around, I would be doing so in my own strength.  Grace is accessed or taken by faith!

I know, I know, it’s always nicer when none of the responsibility falls on us.  I could clearly see from the Word of God that grace doesn’t just fall, grace is taken by faith.  Unfortunately, it’s one thing to read a scripture and obtain a fresh revelation and another thing to actually apply what we have learned.  Well, standing in the middle of Bombay that first night we arrived in India, wondering how I would survive, it was clear that I could not do this on my own.  Funny how we think we can do so much on our own! When I got in a situation where my ability would obviously not work, I reached out to God who has His ability available in our time of need.  I took grace for free!  I’ve been taking grace every day since!

After experiencing what it is like to live accessing his grace for my day, there was never again a question to how I needed His ability to live every day.  We need His grace to be a mother, oh how we need His grace to be a mother!  We need His grace to be a wife, walking in the beautiful balance that it requires to stand by our husband’s side.  We need grace to fulfill His plan, standing until we have seen it come to pass and having done all things… to stand!  Grace is available for all times & everything.  The Word tell us, “And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”  (11Corinthians 9:8)  What a scripture!  He wants to abound or liberally pour out His grace for us to accomplish good works at all times!  He wants us to have what we need to go forth in this life!

Have you ever had one of those days when there appears not to be enough time to accomplish it all or not enough of you to go around?  Reach out and take His grace.  Have you ever held a vision so dear to your heart, but not known how to bring it to pass? Reach out and take His grace.  Have you simply known the answer to your prayers was on the way, but needed help in standing until you received your promise?  Reach out and simply take grace.   “And of his fullness have we all received, and grace for grace.”  (John 1:16)  He has grace for grace, every step of the way, giving us His ability to win!  We can take of His fullness,  His unmerited ability today!

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