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Is Your Life Being Orchestrated by Tamera Ford

Is Your Life Being Orchestrated?

We’ve all seen at least one Christmas pageant that had cute little kids walking down the isle in oversized kings costumes. They proudly carry their version of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the feet of baby Jesus, then wave at their parents.  My favorite part is when they try to kneel in those big robes. Super cute!  

The actual story is more than cute! The message bible puts it this way, verses 9-11  “Instructed by the king, they set off. Then the star appeared again, the same star they had seen in the eastern skies. It led them on until it hovered over the place of the child. They could hardly contain themselves: They were in the right place! They had arrived at the right time! They entered the house and saw the child in the arms of Mary, his mother. Overcome, they kneeled and worshiped him. Then they opened their luggage and presented gifts: gold, frankincense, myrrh.” 

I like how it says they could hardly contain themselves! The joy and excitement must have been overwhelming. They were in the right place at the right time! The Kings were being used in a divinely orchestrated plan of God.  Did they understand everything that was going on? Probably not! But their obedience allowed them to experience something amazing.

Joseph and Mary were in the same position. They had to choose to keep following God’s instructions. Going to Bethlehem with a very pregnant wife, during the busiest time of the year without a place to stay was a huge step of faith. I’m sure that as they looked around at the animals and hay that surrounded their newborn baby, they had a few questions running through their heads. 

They may not have seen the big picture but they didn’t have to. Their job was to obey. God was orchestrating their lives and as long as they stayed in the place of obedience they were also going to experience amazing things. When you are in obedience, you are in the position to see God move on your behalf. They literally went from having nothing to having gold and gifts laid at their feet. It was all a part of His plan. They would need the provision to make the next move…Eygypt.

When we surrender our lives to the Lord and position ourselves to obey his instructions, we are allowing Him to orchestrate our lives!  He knows the end from the beginning. He sees the big picture and knows what we need and when we need it. When we, by faith, obey His instructions, we line ourselves up with His provision. We may be on the receiving end, like Mary and Joseph or we may get to be in the position of giving, like the Kings. Either way, there’s nothing more exciting or fulfilling than being in the middle of God’s plan. 

What would the outcome have been if Joseph would have reasoned away the dreams or the Kings would have been fearful of man instead of recognizing God’s instruction? Just like them, we have the choice everyday to listen and position ourselves to be in line with God’s plan OR do our own thing. 
God is faithful! Put your trust in Him and His great plan for your life. No doubt, you’ll experience amazing things!

Need to pray? Father, I choose today to trust your plan for my life. I will not reason away your instructions. Instead, I position myself to be orchestrated by your hand. I will obey when you speak to me! Thank you for your provision and always meeting my needs! Thank you for loving me! In Jesus Name, Amen

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