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MiMi's Most Memorable Christmas by Judy Boewe Lau

MiMi’s Most Memorable Christmas

Twas a cold & blowing December day in Paris, Illinois.  Our family owned flower shop & greenhouses were bustling, as we were busy at work getting all the beautiful flowers delivered before Christmas.  The snow began to fall on this special Christmas Eve.  Judi Jo was just six years old & her brothers, Bart & Todd, were eight & ten.  All three of them joined in the fun, helping to deliver the lovely holiday poinsettias & bouquets. 

As it so happened, Daddy John had promised this mama that if we had any poinsettias left in the greenhouse at the close of the day we could give them all away.  This was one of our favorite things about the season!  Well, that year we grew hundreds of plants, so there were more than enough to turn into a blessing.  We called in our friend and away we went to deliver on that cold night before Christmas.  We were blessed as a family to be able to own a business that allowed us to give such beauty away!  For me, next to our Lord Jesus, there is no greater beauty on earth than that of a flower.  

There was such a blizzard that you could hardly see to drive, but the joy our little one’s received from the experience was one that will never be forgotten.  We chose to go the nursing homes & Judi Jo can recall with joy watching the look on their faces as they received the flowers, as well as the laughter of one little lady who wanted one for her fish!  To see how excited they were, brought about the true meaning of the season for all of us.  

It was more than the flower, it was the expression of love reaching out to them that really meant so much. This is what Christmas is all about!  God reached out to us, sending the most wonderful gift of all.  Now, we are to be like Him & do the same.  Luke 6:38 says “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down , and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom.  For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.”  

God wants us to capture the true essence of the season, giving!  There is nothing my friend that you can take with you in the end, it’s only what you choose to give away that will ultimately remain.  This Christmas, let’s all make memories with our families & set an example in reaching out to others with the gift of His love.  

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas!

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