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Turning 40 On Thanksgiving by Judi Jo Adams

Turning 40 on Thanksgiving!

I thought I’d take a moment & journal my thoughts about turning 40 on Thanksgiving day.   I think God has a great sense of humor,  after all He is the one who numbers our days.  I had to chuckle to myself when I realized that this milestone event happened on my favorite day of the year! How can I be anything less than abundantly grateful for this amazing journey? 

Today I dropped Russ at the airport, destined for a very special trip to Egypt.  Since he is missing my birthday & Thanksgiving, we simply celebrated early.  After all, life is what we make it! He surprised me ever so sweetly with 3 gifts at 3 very special places.  One of these spots is on top of a hill by a church that looks over our city.  Almost 18 years ago today, we first took our little adventure & found that incredible place.  From that beautiful vantage point, we would pray together, dream together & envision what our lives would hold for God.

As we returned to that precious place, & the sun was setting, such heartfelt Thanksgiving came from the very depths within me.  We are fulfilling our dream that began nearly 2 decades ago!  Now, I must admit that in my youth, I never dreamed of the bumps that would lie in the road & the obstacles that would challenge our way.  It’s a good thing too!  Today, I can say I am thankful for each dip & turn.  They have brought me to my knees in consecration to this call & made me a woman stronger than I ever dreamed. So, thank you my precious Heavenly Father for leading me down a path less traveled & giving me the grace to go the distance.

I also thought I would share my response to “What does turning 40 mean to you?”  My answer to this question seems so obvious & yet one I had never realized until this day.  It means that I have the understanding “now” that I will also turn 50, I will turn 60, I will turn 70 and so on.  I realize that this gift of life is so very beautiful & so very fragile.  I have only been given one to live, or better yet, one to give.  If you will allow me to say it this way, all I care about is being completely & utterly used up when my journey is done.

Though once I did not realize the pride that truly I carried when someone would give a gracious word.  Now, I can say that I want no recognition on earth from men.  I would rather every tongue be held in silence, so that on that day I may receive honor from the one who gave His all for me.  How I want no glory here, please God let it all be there.  I look towards the next half of my life so differently, desiring it to be less of me & more of Him.

I stand here today at 40, celebrating Thanksgiving, looking forward with great expectation.  So many lessons learned, so many miles traveled & a view before me that is brighter than the noon day sun. Sometimes, it simply seems that I am finally ready to run this great race.

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