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Come To Me by Tamera Ford

Come To Me!

Can’t you just see it, Jesus was drawing huge crowds, people were trying to get close to him, and they were following him around just to hear what he had to say, the children must have been so curious!  Some parents wanted Jesus to pray for their little ones and as the children ran up to Jesus excited with hearts full of expectancy, the disciples stop them.
Imagine their faces? 

14 But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” 15 And he placed his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left.

I love Jesus! He not only blessed the children, he taught everyone how important it is to come to him like little children. Not all every child would run up and jump in his lap, some would have been a bit shy, but excited and wanting to be near him all the same.

All God has, the kingdom of heaven, belongs to those who come to him expecting and excited, full of hope. Let’s not be so concerned about what people think, trying to be something that impresses others or pretend to be religious when we are not. Strip all that away and just go to Him. He loves us so much and wants to bless us, not just on Sunday or on the occasional Wednesday, everyday! 

Jesus had to say to the disciples, “don’t stop them!”
Maybe today he is saying to you, “ What’s stopping you?”

What is stopping you from running to Him with excitement and hope? Today is your day! Go on, run to him and allow him to touch your life. Spend a few moments at his feet, and like a little child, look up to him with expectation. He has something to say to you!

Say this, Lord I come to you today, casting aside all inhibitions and concern of what others may think. I love you and long to hear what you have to say to me.  Thank you for your word that directs my path. Thank you for blessing my life. Your love for me has set me free and I am thrilled to be called your child! In Jesus name, Amen!

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