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Please Hold On by Debbie Beck

Please Hold On!

“Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)” Hebrews 10:22-23 

Did you ever wonder if you were a little bit strange? I wonder that about myself all the time! It seems that God speaks to me through the smallest details and events in life. Yet they are things that remind me of biblical concepts that need to be a vital part of my walk with Him. 

One day while walking out of my home to run some errands, a very loud motorcycle drove past the house. I was holding my youngest daughter, who was around one year old at the time. When she heard the noise it startled her and she grabbed me tightly and held on, even once the motorcycle had passed. In one sense, there was nothing very profound about the moment. But on the inside of me something clicked and I found myself in awe that this precious little person believed I could protect her from whatever that terrible, loud sound was. She did not scream or cry out, she simply held on and trusted that I would not let any harm come to her. 

God used that moment to remind me how important it is to hold on to Him in difficult times. Often the enemy will throw “noises” our way to distract us and cause our hearts to fear. Situations and circumstances will come to us that look and sound very threatening, and what will make the difference is what we hold on to! The devil will tempt you to let go of what you have been taught in the Word and instead grab onto complaining, hopelessness or despair. Hebrews 10 gives us one of the keys we need to make it through the trials of life. As believers we must train ourselves to draw near to Father God and hold on to our faith in His Word when tough times come. How do we do that? What will cause me to take hold of the right things when the trial comes? Practice!! I must practice holding onto Him in the smallest details of life. Proverbs 3:5-6 says to “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” The practice comes in acknowledging Him in every situation, every day, no matter how small.

One way I practice trusting Him is in finding misplaced things. It sounds simple enough, but it is an exercise that forces me to put aside frustration and trust God when something that I really need has suddenly disappeared from sight. Instead of complaining or blaming someone else for what has happened, I have trained myself to stop and have a short but faith-filled conversation that goes something like this: “Holy Spirit, I don’t know where this item is, but I know you do and you have promised to lead and guide me into all truth – even the truth of where this is. Please show me where it is so that I can move on with my day. Thank you for your help! In Jesus’ Name – Amen!!” More often than not, it is only a few minutes until I suddenly “stumble” over the item I was looking for. And if it takes longer, I continue to thank Him that I will find it as quickly as possible. 

If we practice trusting God on a daily basis in the smaller details of life, it will be natural to turn to Him and hold on to His Word when true tests and trials come. Our Father loves us with an everlasting love and has called us to Himself. The cry of His heart is that each of His children will draw near to Him in times of trouble and hold fast the profession of their faith without wavering. It is time to allow yourself to rest in the safety of your Father’s arms and hold on tight. God is faithful; you can trust His promises!

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