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Don't Let Go by Judi Jo Adams

Don't Let Go Of Your Dream

“The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever.” ~Psalms 138:8

How beautiful!  The Lord truly will fulfill His purpose for us!  Are you like me & have so many dreams in your heart?  There are many things I can look back upon & see that the Lord has truly fulfilled, yet there are things I have held onto for years that are yet for an appointed time.  When I was younger I wanted it all “right now”.    As I’ve grown in the Lord, I’m very content to wait patiently & watch how God brings to pass the treasures that are so real in my heart!  Even as I type, I’ve finally just touched the edge of something I saw in prayer nearly 15 years ago.

Well, I guess we are in good company!  Remember when Mary pondered in her heart the things she knew about her son Jesus?  She simply held them dear!  Yes, they were to come to pass, but it was not for that day.  So many things are for the days that are out ahead of us.  Truly, it doesn’t make them any less real to God.  After all, II Peter 3:8 tells us “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, & a thousand years are like a day.”  I guess that’s back to the message about patience that I so often wonder over to in Hebrews 10:35.  “Do not throw away your confidence, it will be richly rewarded. You have need to persevere (have patience) so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.” 

Truly, the Lord has a great desire in His heart that has yet to come to pass too, so I guess He also understands how we feel.   Bringing us home to be with Him is the treasure of His heart.  He will never give up on that day, confident that it will come to pass.  James 5:7 says “Behold the husbandman waits for the precious fruit of the earth & has long patience for it.”  If we could see the big picture we would understand more clearly.  For me personally I’m content in knowing that, though I don’t see right now what I hold onto in my heart by faith, God is working to bring it all to pass.  If we could see into the realm of the Spirit, there would be angels busily working on all that we’ve brought forth in prayer.  

Maybe you haven’t yet seen the desires of your heart, so you’ve decided it might just be too big for God. Nonsense!!  Nothing, absolutely nothing, is too big for God.  One of my all time favorite scriptures is Isaiah 55:9 which tell us “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”  Trust me, He can think way bigger than us & wants way more for you than you have yet to conceive in your heart.  Remember Ephesians 3:20 says “He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” We’ll do well to remember the last part of that scripture, which is vital to seeing the dream manifest.  It is truly “according to the power that is at work in us”.  Therefore, we have a part to play as well!  It’s more than just being patient; it’s standing in faith & watching over in prayer.  For Isaiah 55:11 also explains to us that God’s word sown into the earth cannot return empty, but will accomplish all that they have been sent to do.  Just like seed-time & harvest, it has to come forth in the earth.

What do you do while you are waiting?  Well, one thing good to remember is Matthew 7:6 which tells us “not to cast our pearls before swine”.  That sounds kind of tough, but I’ve sure learned to understand & appreciate those precious Words of wisdom from the Lord.  In life you will find there are more people ready to tell you why your dream can’t come true than why it can.  All we need is the Word, which tells us in Ph 3:14 that “We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.”  Glory!!!  You see, there are plenty of people out there who settle for ordinary, but I believe that God delights in His children that will dare to dream big.  After all, they are the ones He chose to write about in His Word!

Joseph had a dream that took him through the pit, slavery & prison before it was realized.  All that mattered in the end was that it did come to pass.   We should also mention that because he held onto his dream, all of God’s family was saved during a vast famine in the land!  His dream has such purpose, was met with such opposition yet came to pass in the perfect timing of God.  It may be the same for you & I as well, but I promise you that in the end all the will matter is that our dreams were fulfilled.  Please, don’t let go of what’s in your heart… for surely He is able to bring it to pass.

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