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An Old Index Card by Judi Jo Adams

An Old Index Card

Just the other day my mom handed me something very special. It was an old index card, very worn and yellow with age. On the card were words my father, who is now in Heaven, had typed with an old fashioned type writer when he was young. It's a glimpse into his heart. Today I imagine that the words written on it are magnified to him way beyond the passion he had in that moment.

Here are a few of those words entitled "The Upward Look"...

As God looks at man it is too bad that he sees him looking outward instead of upward; sees him concentrating more time and effort on things earthly than things heavenly; sees him building structures and cities with seemingly firmer foundations than those he has found for his soul. Still he searches, for the man who is looking up. -John Henry Boewe

My father was an inspiration in my life and somehow I imagine I am carrying out his passion. Many years ago, in the 1950's, he was a missionary to Nicaragua. Through a series of events and after contracting jungle rot in his legs, he had to return home. Shortly after, he met my mother and settled down to raise our family. He made sure our family was in church and put a respect and honor in us for God.

As a small child I can remember laying in the grass "looking up" into the clouds. The memory is so vivid in my heart. My thoughts were consumed about God, simply wanting to understand Him and His massive world. It was those thoughts as a small child that led me on in my pursuit, realizing that it is only through looking up that we continually keep our focus in life.  II Cor 4:18 says it all so perfectly:

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal"

One day, I'll join dad again!  It's my desire that when that moment comes, I stand there knowing that my life on earth was spent focused on what matters. You know, looking at something that lasts forever and not the things that will be gone in a moment.  Endeavoring to live my life according to Jn 4:35, which issues us this challenges today:

"Do not say, four months more and then the harvest? I tell you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields!  They are ripe for harvest."

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