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In A Day of Three & Seven by Alexandra Fleege

In A Day Of Three And Seven

I see, I live, I feel, I breathe three and seven, the ages I see. What I hear?  Oh please mommy???

Sweet, gentle, loving kind, happy, sad, crying, boastful, tearful, joyful, lazy, rude, so forgiving… 

TV, Nintendo Wii, beagle and guinea pigs. Toys toys and baby books and more toys- favorite things to me, as I see these I see three and seven.

Can we go to McDonalds? I hear- not today I say.

Happy Meal please, so many dreams, hopes, desires, thoughts questions- oh the questions, too many to say.  CURIOSITY- UN endless to me- treasuring each day, as it goes so quickly, I have heard say.

Can I make it last??? Everyday?? If I could I would- and so I find a way- in my heart I write down what they think and do and how they play, I take pictures with the camera of my mind- run, laugh, sing, cry, shout, scream, plead, enjoy  so many things all in a day- of three  and seven.

Every day I live aware of borrowed time I have to share.  They are with me constantly- I have new inspiration and old remembrances as well – the first time I saw three and seven I was a child, now I get to see through their eyes, what I did not see for years- happy ,  free to play and be me.

Children gave me a new way to see, I had forgotten.  I hope to see this way forever as I also am three and seven put together.  I know I will be old one day, but inside there is still a child longing to play- play with me I hear- and sometimes say- not now I am to busy to play, but the child within says I want to play!!!!

So maybe we grow up believing that the little child is gone forever but this is not true you see, it takes a child to find one, whether your child ,or a grandchild , a neighbor or a friend’s child , nephew or niece they will reach in and find that child once again, and if you let them, the child within will come out and play.

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