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A Morning Like This by Judi Jo Adams

A Morning Like This

All hope seemed gone!  How could the situation ever be made right?  It was truly Mary Magdalene & the other Mary’s darkest hour on their way to the tomb that morning, like we read about in Mathew 28. Though one doesn’t want to cast away their confidence for it has great recompense for reward (Hebrews 10:35), it had to appear that their hope had died.  It’s amazing how God always has a plan, a higher road and a way to even resurrect our dreams.  We see it take place that beautiful morning we call Easter & we can also see it take place in our own lives as well.

They had walked with him, talked with him & cared for him!  Wasn’t he to be the Messiah?  How could this have happened and how could God step in now to make it all right.  Well, that’s the beauty of His high ways!  We see it come alive in the message of Easter!  To our emotions it looked like He paid the highest price and lost, but in the Spirit we go on to learn what He accomplished brought us back to the Father!  Best of all, we know that the Lord is the same yesterday, today & forever  (Hebrews 13:8).  This means that He showed us part of who He is on that wonderful morning & how He wants to resurrect our situations as well! 

What do we need to learn from this story for own lives, apart from the beautiful story of the resurrection that we all cherish during this season? It doesn’t matter what any problem looks like or even if it seems your window of opportunity has come and gone. It doesn’t matter what man does to us, says about us or plans for us.  All that matters is that God is a God of impossibilities (Mathew 19:26)! Throughout time He had a plan to bring us back to Himself and to make things right, so how much more does He now watch over our lives with a plan to lead us to our dreams!

So where does that leave us today, especially if we find ourselves in a situation where hope seems gone?  It leaves us with Mary Magdalene & Mary…. Running to Him!  They were going where they could find Him.   Though they thought it was a tomb, they met Him on the way & everything was now alright.  So, we run to Him, the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).  He is the one who goes before, sees ahead & holds the power to change!  We don't run in desperation, but in anticipation that He can turn what is wrong into something perfect.

As we celebrate Easter, we celebrate life! We rejoice in the one who holds resurrection power, both now and forever more.  He is able to restore you!  Let us all put our trust in Him today, running to the one who lives!

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