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Dream House by Debbie Beck

Dream House

Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches. Proverbs 2:3-4

Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. Psalm 127:1

The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down. Proverbs 14:1

Recently I was driving along and enjoying a praise CD, when I realized that I was not the only one singing along. In my back seat sat two little girls singing just as sweetly as can be. My husband and I have had the privilege of fostering these two little girls for over three years, and trust that someday soon they will be a permanent part of our family. You may have also seen a picture on my page of three other little girls from Haiti that we are in a “faith fight” for, and are planning to make a part of our family as well. 

My husband and I often laugh that nothing in our lives seems to happen “normally.” From the way we got together (I’ll share our story in another article soon), to how our family is growing, God seems to be taking us down the scenic route in life and we are ever learning to enjoy this journey of faith. We have come to understand that it is not important to be “normal”, but rather to allow God in His awesome wisdom and understanding to build our house the way He has designed it. You see, He is the Master Architect – and we get the privilege of working with Him to continue to build and live in the glorious edifice He has blessed us with. 

Now, back to the singing little girls in my back seat. Felicia, who is seven, was singing along with the CD just as fervently as could be, and even Elizabeth who is only 2, was using her best “oohs” and “ahs” to sing along as well. I was so blessed by the peace and joy I saw in their faces as they praised God along with mommy in the car. It was then that I began to think about how blessed I am to live in my “Dream House.” As a young girl, I dreamed of what my home would be like when I grew up. I imagined a wonderful husband, beautiful children and creating an atmosphere that they would love coming home to. Although I am certainly still learning, I can say with joy that I am living that dream today! 

I wish I could say the same for thousands, if not millions of other women in the U.S. and around the world. When we look at the world around us, and even in the Church, it is easy to see that the family is under attack by the enemy and anyone he can get on his bandwagon. The devil is doing his best to devalue marriage and make it seem like an antiquated tradition instead of a sacred, God-ordained union. He has worked diligently to destroy children’s lives, even to the extent of ending them before they leave the womb. 

If our hope was only in the six o’clock news or the chatter around work of the next divorce in the office, there would be nothing to do but give up. But that is not where my hope lies! My hope lies in the fact that I am a child of the King through the blood of Jesus Christ – and He has not given up on me, my neighbor or my nation! It is often tempting to be discouraged by the awful things that we hear are happening to children and families in these times. Even as a believer, I sometimes struggle to understand how so much evil can take place. While thinking about this one day, God led me to a scripture in Romans 12:21. The King James says it this way, “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” In the Message Bible it says, “Don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good.”

The word overcome in the KJV means to “subdue (literally or figuratively): - conquer, overcome, prevail, get the victory.” In other words, don’t just let evil rule, decide to get the victory by subduing and conquering it! That sounds like a big job, doesn’t it? How in the world can I, as one woman, have an effect on the evil I see happening in families all around me? 

I believe the answer is really very simple. Think of this – what would happen in the world around us if every woman who is born-again would be diligent in building her own “Dream House?” At the top of this article I listed a scripture in Psalm 127 that spoke of the Lord building a house. But right under it in Proverbs 14 there is a scripture about a woman building her house. Which is true? Both! I’m not speaking of the shutters, doors and walls of a home – but of the spiritual atmosphere that a woman works with the Holy Spirit to create at home for her husband and children. The Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 6 that we are “workers together with Him.” If we will cooperate with Him by meditating in and acting on the Word, and being diligent in prayer regarding ourselves and our families, we can build a “Dream House” that will affect not only our own lives, but the lives of other families and folks around us. 

By the grace of God, I am building my “Dream House” and it is noticeable to others around my family. I have become accustomed to people coming up to me in grocery stores and restaurants and commenting on our children’s good behavior, and their beautiful smiles and laughter that often bring joy even to strangers that we meet. My husband and I often get smiles and friendly glances from people who hear us laughing and picking on each other as we hold hands at a restaurant table. In a world where disorder and despair seem to be ruling, God can use your family as a light to those who sit in gross darkness, waiting for someone to bring them the hope of Jesus Christ. 

So, I challenge every woman who reads this article to begin today to build her “Dream House.” I warn you, it will take some work and diligence! I encourage you to begin to read and meditate on Proverbs 31 and see yourself in that passage. At first when you read it, it’s almost intimidating. The woman described is quite a lady! What you must do is read it in faith and choose to believe that you are already that Godly woman in Jesus Christ! That woman who builds her “Dream House” through the wisdom of God and the help of the Holy Ghost is on the inside just waiting to get out. What an amazing opportunity we have to overcome evil with the good that we can do right inside the walls of our home. It is the kind of goodness – Godly goodness – that will spread beyond those walls and begin to affect the lives of others in your churches, schools, workplaces, communities, and maybe even around the world. 

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