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God's Goals by Dawn White

God’s Goals

Scripture:  Proverbs 19:21

Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.

The above scripture tell us that we have many plans in our hearts, but the Lord accomplishes His purposes.  Have you ever been in the position where your plans and the Lord’s purposes were not in sync?  I have, and it is no fun.  There is much frustration in this place.  

Freedom in Christ Ministries defines two terms that help me to keep my perspective on my plans and the Lord’s purposes.  They are:

Godly Desire – is any specific result that depends on the cooperation of other people or on the success of events or favorable circumstances, which we have no right or ability to control.  

Godly Goal – is any specific orientation that reflects God’s purpose for our life and does not depend on people or circumstances beyond our ability or right to control. 

From these definitions, it is clear that a Godly Goal involves those things I can control and a Godly Desire involves those things that I can’t control.

These definitions have been very freeing for me.  When I start to become frustrated or irritated in a situation, I can step and consider these definitions and determine my role. 

For example, my husband was recently offered the supervisory position with his employer.  On the surface, this seems like a positive move.  However, the bottom line is that it’s more hours, more responsibility and slightly less money.  Who would take it is the question in my mind.  But, he wants to take it, simply because it’s doing a job that he loves to do.  When I saw him leaning this way, I was becoming irritated and frustrated by his decision.  

Well, you know how God is….He doesn’t let us stay off track too long.  He let me go for a while and then got me back on track by pointing out that my role was not to try to control his decision, but rather it was to pray for wisdom and direction for him in the decision-making and support whatever decision he arrives at.  And, you know, that brought me a lot of peace.  This has been going on now for a month or so.  He called me from work just today and asked what I thought he should do if they offered it to him.  I told him to follow his heart and the amazing thing is I could say that with honesty and peace in my heart.

You see, sometimes we can elevate a Godly Desire to a Godly Goal.  My Godly Desire in this case was that my husband be available to spend time with our daughters and to have time to build the insurance business that he’s working on the side.  These are not bad in and of themselves; in fact they are good.  But when I elevate that desire to a goal and try to control it, then it becomes a mistake.  Elevating desires to goals leads to torment and unrest.

As we move into 2010, I challenge you to seek God in prayer about the Godly Goals He has for you in 2010.  If you begin to experience frustration, perhaps you’ve take a Godly Desire and made it a Godly Goal.  Check back in at the Throne, you may be off course a bit.  Remember – many are the plans (Godly Desires) of a man’s heart, but the Lord’s purposes (Godly Goals) prevail.  Let God’s purposes prevail through you by seeking Him in prayer regularly.

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