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A Sacred Call by Brooke Glass

A Sacred Call

I have always had a passion for the things of God.  As long as I can remember I have been serving Him.  At church, at school, and in the workplace I have lived my faith out loud.  However, when it came to my home life well, I was just missing the mark.   It seemed like once I got married and started to have kids I became this person at home that I honestly did not know.   That saying “If mama ain’t happy ain’t nobody happy” rang very true at my house. 

During these early years of my married life I began to cry out to God for insight into why I was struggling to maintain godly character at home.  He began to show me that being a wife and mother was more than just washing drawers and filling their tummies.  It was sacred.  I could actually cultivate and grow my faith through my home life experiences.
Have you ever felt like “Who are these kids and why are they calling me Mom”?  Come on you know what I am talking about.  Those moments when you are standing there red faced and finger pointing with no thought to your actions.  Yep, that was me until I had the revelation that I am the thermostat of my home.  My behavior and attitude affects the very atmosphere around me.  I set my thermostat by time spent in His presence and in His word.  With out this I am just an old thermometer…rising and falling with whatever is going on at that moment.  

In Proverbs 14:1 it says, “Every wise woman build her house, but the foolish one tears it down with her own hands.”  None of us want to tear down our homes with our own hands.  But sisters if we don’t get a revelation of the sacredness of our call as mothers and wives we are doomed to fail. I want all of God in every area of my life, especially at home.  Won’t you join me in answering this sacred call of motherhood?   In doing so you can build a legacy of faith that will last through eternity.

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