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Don't Journey Alone by Judi Jo Adams

Don't Journey Alone

The boys & I have been taking our now 2nd journey every evening through Hurlbuts Stories of the Bible, which is for sure among the best of things I’ve ever done with them.  Shock of all, as I thought it was only a children’s devotional, I think I‘ve learned as much as them.  (there’s a link for the book to the right) After this last week’s devotional time, I  truly have a whole new appreciation for being able to talk personally with my Lord.

Seeing Moses’ amazing journey in a new, & very condensed, light made me realize how very grateful I am.  He was leading an army through the dessert, some estimating the children of God to be well over a million in number.  All the while, he was the only one having these amazing up close and personal discussions with God.  He even came down from the mount with his face literally shining in Exodus 34! Sad to say, the rest of them had to rely on Moses to hear something from the Lord, as they made this very difficult pilgrimage through the dessert.  That might have had something to do with why it took so long…lol!

Thank God for Jesus!  He came, shed His blood, paid the price for our sin & the vail was torn from top to bottom.  No longer was man to be kept out of the presence of God!  Now, we can have that intimate relationship that Moses had with Him.   After all, Acts 10:34 teaches us that He is no respecter of persons.  The Bible  also says in Heb 13:8 that He is the same yesterday, today & forever.  Just as the bush was on fire for Moses to get his attention in Exodus 3, I believe every day he is trying to get our attention as well.  He is trying to lead us to the mountain top too!  It may not be in the form of a burning bush; most likely it’s simply the gentle promptings in your spirit.  

What is your situation?  Maybe you feel as though you are in the dessert & the promises of God seem too difficult to reach.  Stop, come away with Him & hear His voice. I’m pretty convinced that most of our problems are that we are simply too busy.  Our days are too full to take time to be with Him, even though it is our good intention.   Are there too many demands of life to get quiet & listen, so you journey on complaining & stressed?   Let’s learn our lesson from the Children of Israel in the dessert, because we sure don’t want to delay our promises!

Look, I’m sure it wasn’t easy for Moses to head up to the mountain top for 40 days, he knew how disobedient the Children of Israel could be & the trouble they could get into.  He went anyway!  We should be able to at least pull away for 40 minutes into the presence of the one who sees our beginning & our end.  He knows so well that if He can get our eyes off our situations and onto Him that He can lead us through.  Guess you could say, “The ball is in our court now!”

The beauty is that all the same glory awaits us to be experienced.  He waits to commune with us by His Holy Spirit & to pour His peace that passes all understanding right through our souls.  Prov 3:5 tells us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding… and he shall direct your path.” How does this happen?  As we get quiet enough to look to Him, we can take our minds off of our situations.  Then, beholding His glory, it’s now easy to put our trust in the one that created it all anyway!

Let’s not make this journey alone.  Take the challenge today!  Come away & be with Him…  you’ll be so thankful you took the time. 

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