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Know More by Alexandra Fleege

Know More

I am free to be and to play, to laugh and to run 
I am free to sing and dance and say what I feel and see.  
I am free to fly with birds or swim with fish 
A world of endless possibility
I know no bounds
I know no rules I play all day, but soon I will know more

I sit and read, wishing to be outside
I sit and listen, wondering why am I here in this place
I sit, and obey
I sit and try to obey
I am free know more

I go to school all day, and then I still don’t play
I study and study wants to make a way
I try to laugh I try to sing
Somehow   everything is different now 
I now care what people say
I don’t want to care but I do

I work all day
Hoping to make a comfortable way
They look to me
And what do I say?
Have fun be free
Play and play

I sit once more tired and alone
And now I feel like I have done not much
And soon I too will be, know more
I wish I didn’t know so much
Like lemonade on a summer’s day
I am ready to once again play all day.

Do I see what I can?
Or am I completely blinded by what I know?
Where once I saw I can see , know more
Where once I went , I do not visit
Strange is the day I fade away
Glad once again I am free to play

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