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Gravy 101

Gravy 101

broth (store bought will do, if you're in a hurry, or see note at the bottom for using the real deal)
and of course.....GREASE!

"Gravy! Oh my gravy!  It took me forever to get over the fear of making gravy, like ten years! No joke! My husband is from the south and gravy is his all time favorite.  To tell you the truth, gravy & I had a love/hate relationship. Once I realized how very easy it was, because I refused to be denied gravy one Thanksgiving, I almost laughed at myself.  Now, we make gravy in every fashion and we have truly become friends! "  So, here it is:

First, you need grease, full of little bits of cooked meat fried in a skillet (or lightly sauteed in EVOO if that makes you feel healthier)  Well, where do you get that, just go check out my southern fried chicken strips!  Or, it comes from the bottom of the pan after you roast a turkey or a chicken.  If you get it this way, you'll need to pour it into a gravy separator or just a jar will do!  All the grease will rise to the top.  Be sure to save the broth, you'll add it back in for extra flavor.

1. When using the pan approach: take out your meat, after it's fully cooked. 

2. Drain off all but about 4-6 tbls of the grease & loosen the bits from the bottom of the pan.  Adjust your heat to med/high. 

3. Sprinkle about 4-6 tbls of flour all around the grease. 

4.  Now, be quick...stir!  It needs to be stirred until the flour is cooked at least a minute.  It will get clumpy and that is fine, it will all smooth out soon. 

5. Now, start slowly pouring in your milk.  Start with one cup. I like to slowly add equal parts of milk and broth until it reaches a consistency that I like. (You can use store bought or homemade.) The broth gives extra flavor, but is not necessary, you could stick with milk if you like real white gravy. 

6. Turn the heat DOWN to simmer.  If it thickens while you are waiting, just stir back in more liquid.

7. Add salt & pepper to taste.

Note:  For Brown Gravy --- THANKSGIVING TIME!!!
This is the same principle and works best, say with a roast from the oven, turkey, chicken or beef! It's all the same and very easy.  Separate your broth, as mentioned above.  Start with a clean skillet on med/high heat.  Add 4-6 tbls of the grease.  (I sometimes like to go with 4 tbls of grease and in 2 tbls of butter for richness).  Sprinkle in your 4-6 tbls of flour and stir for one minute.  Now, take the reserve broth (After all remaining grease has been drained off or it will be...greasy gravy!)  Gradually add in the broth to the right thickness and turn to low.  Salt & pepper to taste.  Ahhh.... you just made Good Ole Gravy!

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