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Gingerbread Man

Gingerbread Man

1 1/2 c of dark molasses
1 c of packed brown sugar
2/3 c of cold water
1/3 c of shortening 

7 c of all-purpose flour (I use whole grain-unbleached)
2 tsp of baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 tsp of ground allspice
1 tsp ground cloves
2 tsp of ginger
1 tsp of cinnamon

Decorate with decorators frosting: 
2 cups of powdered sugar
2-3 T water (slowly add) 
food coloring of choice

Nothing says Christmas like a gingerbread man!  This recipe comes from my sister-in-law, Roxanne Boewe, and uses the perfect combination for that old fashioned gingerbread taste. 

First, mix the molasses, brown sugar, water & shortening with a blender.  In another bowl, mix together all the remaining dry ingredients by hand.  Then, simply combine together & work into a dough the consistency of sugar cookie dough. Simply add more water 1 tbls at a time until it's seems perfect to you!  Finally, refrigerate at least 2 hours. 

To Bake: Preheat oven to 350.  Roll dough out 1/4 inch thick (any thinner and the cookies will be hard) on a floured surface.  Cut with floured gingerbread man cutter or other favorite shapes.  Place cookies about 2 inches apart on a sprayed cookie sheet (or use parchment paper--my fav).   Bake 8-10 minutes & then cool before icing.

To make the icing, use just enough water to make the frosting stiff.  Frosting can be piped through a tube or kit if you have one. (I made these by filling up a ziplock bag & snipping off the end)  For children, you can buy the already prepared tubes....makes it much easier for their little hands.  Have fun & enjoy the most wonderful time of the year!!

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