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Robert Redford Dessert

Robert Redford Dessert

2 cup flour
2 stick soft margarine
2 cup pecans chopped
1/2 tsp cinnamon

16 oz. pkg. soft cream cheese
2 cups powdered sugar
12 oz. Cool Whip

12 oz. instant chocolate pudding
5 cups milk
extra cool whip to top & toffee bits too!

Why Robert Redford?  Well, I'm not really sure, but I know that as a kid growing up in the mid-west this dessert appeared at every church social event!  I had long since forgot about it until a dear friend passed me the recipe again... thanks Lynn!  It was just like I remembered it, well except for the toffee I threw on top & the cinnamon I added to the crust.

So, here we go!  For the bottom: simple mix together the pecans, melted butter, flour and cinnamon, then press into the bottom of a greased 9X13 baking pan.  Now, place it into the oven for 15 minutes at 350 degrees. Set aside to cool.  It needs to be cool before you add the middle, so you might want to do this part well in advance (or just stick it in the freezer like I did)

For the middle: combine the softened cream cheese, powdered sugar & cool whip.  Once it's well mixed together, spread it over the pecan crust.

For the top: mix together the pudding & the 5 cups of milk. (You know me, always putting in something extra, I did add a little for flavor that's optional here: 1 tbls cocoa & 2 tbls sugar).  Now spread this on top of the cream cheese middle & garnish with extra whip cream and toffee bits.

It's just a sure hit every time, one for all ages!

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