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Fresh Green Beans & New Potatoes

Fresh Green Beans & New Potatoes

1 bunch fresh green beans, ends snapped
10-12 small red potatoes, halved
4 strips bacon
1/2 onion, chopped
2 tbls beef bullion
1 tsp Cavendar's Greek Seasoning (or substitute with garlic salt)
salt & pepper

This one is so easy & will make you eager for Spring to bring forth her harvest!  Fresh Green Beans & New Potatoes reminds me of when I was growing up, something that could often be found on our table.  Ok, so I don't like taking the time to snap the ends, but it sure is worth it & can even be something fun for the the kids:)

Here goes! Fry the bacon in a deep skillet or stock pot until it's cooked about half way.  Then, remove the bacon and use it's drippings to saute the onion on medium heat.  If there is not enough grease, just add a few tablespoons of butter.  

Next, add the green beans & new potatoes to the pan, adding in just enough water to cover the top of the beans (no worries if some of the potatoes are bobbing out of the water... they will steam).  Add back in the bacon, beef bullion, Cavendars, salt & pepper. That's it!  Easy as pie, well I've always thought pie was kind of difficult... lol!

Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to a simmer and loosely cover the top with a lid.  As soon as the potatoes are on their way to being done, I remove the lid in order to retain the pretty color of the green beans and to reduce the liquid.  This process will be about an hour. It's done when the potatoes are fork tender & the beans are done to taste. 

That's it & it's two vegetables in one!  Just add in something from the grill & a salad... viola you have dinner tonight!

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