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Cozy Chicken 'N Noodles

Cozy Chicken 'N Noodles

1 package egg noodles (I prefer Amish style)
4 chicken breasts, bone in skin on!
2 garlic cloves
1 onion 
1 bay leaf
2 tsp Cavender's Greek Seasoning
2 tsp poultry seasoning
4 tbls butter
4 tbls flour
1 c heavy whipping cream (can sub for 1/2 & 1/2)

I'ts a perfect combo, chicken 'n noodles!  There is nothing like it on a cold day or any day for that matter.  This is my own homemade version, you can adjust the seasoning any way you like.

Place chicken breasts in a stock pot & fill with water until it submerges chicken.  Then, add the garlic cloves, quartered onion, bay leaf, Greek Seasoning (if you don't have it ... no worries, add extra poultry seasoning), poultry seasoning, S & P.  Now, cover & bring to a low boil.  Cook until chicken is done, about 45 minutes.

Next, remove chicken & set aside to cool.  Meanwhile, put a strainer in a large bowl and drain all broth into the bowl.  Discard all the remains, keeping only the broth.

Place the noodles in the stock pot & fill with broth until noodles are covered about one inch.  Bring to a low boil & follow instructions on your package.  Gradually add more broth back in as the noodles thicken, but reserve 2 cups of broth for thickner.  If you run out of broth, no worries, simply use water.

When noodles are finished cooking, follow the directions in the next paragraph. First, if you have any excess broth in the pan, drain most all of it off into your reserves bowl.  We want nice thick noodles, not runny.  You can always add it back in if you want, so save it!

In a small sauce pot, melt butter and then sprinkle with flour.  Stir continuously for one minute.  Now, add reserve broth one cup at a time.  Once it is nice & bubbly, stir it back into the noodles.  Return the noodles to a low boil to allow the thickner to do it's thing.

Add salt & pepper and season to taste.  Call the family and enjoy the wonders of Cozy Chicken 'n Noodles.

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