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Crisp Garden Green Beans

Crisp Garden Green Beans

FRESH green beans -- nice bag full (ends trimmed only)
4 strips bacon
1/2 red onion or yellow, sliced thin & halved
1/3 can chicken broth
S & P
pinch of sugar

There are so many ways to make green beans.  You can do the long cook down method, which my mom likes the best, or you can do this quick crisp version that my husband enjoys.

First, it only works good with the real deal! You want nice & very FRESH green beans.  If they are brown at all, they are going to be tough... wait for good ones.

Believe it or not, bring a large pot of water to a boil and drop in the beans.  We are going to parboil them in the water, followed by crisping them up in the pan.  So, leave them in for about 2-3 minutes... keep checking, they should still be firm.

Now, drain off water.  In a large skillet, fully cook the bacon, tear up and set aside for the top.  In your bacon grease (it's true, we are using the grease, but you could drain it off and use Canola oil... it will lack taste though), saute the onion with S&P for 2 minutes. Then, add the green beans, S&P again & a good pinch of sugar.  Give them a good toss,  add the chicken broth and COVER for 3-5 minutes.  Keep tossing them occasionally & check for tenderness.

Now, take off the lid, and saute for another 2-4 minutes to reduce the liquid and crisp up the beans.  Depending on how young the beans are, it will take different times.  Simply continue to saute until you like the result.

Check for seasoning, sprinkle bacon on top & I like to serve them right out of the pan.  They are great!

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