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Quick & Easy Chicken Tortilla Soup

Quick & Easy Chicken Tortilla Soup

1/2 onion, chopped 
3 cloves garlic, minced 
2 tablespoons olive oil 
2 teaspoons chili powder 
1 teaspoon cumin 
1 28 oz can crushed tomatoes 
2 10.5 oz cans chicken broth 
1 1/4 cups water or more
1 cup whole corn kernels 
1 15 oz can black beans, drained
1 4 oz can chopped green chille peppers -- optional 
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1 lime, juiced 
S & P
2 boneless chicken breast halves 
4 soft tortilla shells 
sliced avocado 
shredded Monterey Jack cheese

Fall is in the air!!  Ooooo... I just wait for it every year & the first thing I think of is soup!  It's truly my favorite thing to make.  Some simmer all day and make your house smell so wonderful.  Then there are those, like this one, that taste like they were on the stove all day, but actually are done pretty quick.  Well, quick for soup anyway.  Chicken tortilla comes in all kinds of fashions, some think & some thin.  You can adjust this recipe anyway you like.  Go easy on the tomatoes if you like it more clear or eliminate the water if you choose yours thick.  For me, this version is a balance of the two...just right!

Here goes!  Add your EVOO to your dutch oven or large pot. Then, saute the onions and garlic on med-high heat until soft.  Now add all the following: tomatoes, broth, water, chili powder & cumin.  You can pre-boil your chicken or you can just do the following.  Bring the soup to a simmer and add the raw chicken.  Now cook at low boil until chicken is done, about 20 minutes.  Remove chicken & set aside to cool.  Meanwhile, add your corn, beans, cilantro (save for just the top if you aren't a big fan), lime juice, green chili peppers (only 2 oz if you are cautious), S & P.  Now, let it just simmer awhile and do it's thing!  How long?  Well, how long do you have?  It could be done right now, but it's better if it gets 30 minutes just simmering.  If you have longer, let it go an hour or so... up to you.

Meanwhile, you can make your tortilla strips for the top.  Heat a skillet on med-high with about 1/2 an inch of canola oil (veg. oil will work too).  Place your tortilla on a cutting board and cut into strips.  I just use a pizza cutter.  Then lower them in batches into the oil and brown on both sides.  You will know they are done when they start to turn colors. Place them on rack to drain or just on a paper towel.  You can always use broken tortilla chips, they do just fine too!

Now, shred your chicken with two forks and add back to the soup.  It's time for a taste!  (If you want to kick it up a little, open up a pack of your favorite taco seasoning and add about 1/3 of the package).  Don't be afraid to add more of whatever flavor you like to taste the most.  You can add more lime, chili or cilantro.  Then, it's almost time to serve.  For the rest of your toppers, fill bowls with chopped avocado, Monterrey jack cheese & then the tortilla strips.  Set this out so your family or guests can add their favorite toppings.

I served mine with black bean & corn salsa quesadillas, recipe to follow soon!  Plain cheese quesadillas would be just great for dipping too.  This recipe serves 8, I doubled it for 16 and had plenty.  It's a perfect way to welcome fall & warm the hearts of those you love!

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