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Creamy Tomato Bisque

Creamy Tomato Bisque

1 Jar favorite Spaghetti Sauce, not chunky.  
   (Or follow my homemade version on "Hungry Man")
1 Carton Heavy Whipping Cream
2 Tbls EVOO
1/4 Cup Red Cooking Wine
2 Cloves minced garlic
Fresh basil

Oh boy is this easy & delicious!  A dear friend gave the original version to me from a French restaurant.  They literally just used equal parts of spaghetti sauce & whipping cream!  I've jazzed it up a little.

You can buy your favorite sauce, make your favorite sauce or follow mine from hungry man.  I recommend a non-chunky version, but that is up to you!

So, place EVOO in a stock pot & saute the minced garlic until golden.  Now, deglaze with cooking wine for about 1 minute. (remember, cooking wine simply has added salt, so it's not good to drink but wonderful for cooking.  All the alcohol will cook out).  Add in your jar of sauce or, here is a tip,  use your sauce from the night before... they will never guess!

Then, gently stir in the heavy whipping cream.  The original recipe calls for equal parts to the spaghetti sauce, but I think you can reduce it & only add it until you have the desired color you like. I have also found that for you can do the low fat version and use 1/2 & 1/2, but it's not quite as good:)

Finally, add in strips of fresh basil or about 1 Tbls dried (rub it with your thumb to bring out the flavor when using dried).  S&P Let it simmer awhile to blend all the flavors. Season to taste.  Serve with more strips of fresh basil or croutons on top.

It's devine & they will think you worked oh so hard on it, but really it's done in a flash!

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