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Easter Bunny Cookie Cake

Easter Bunny Cookie Cake

I have included in this recipe, options for French Vanilla or Chocolate cake.  Locate your recipe below and take it from there.  Enjoy!

French Vanilla Cake
(Double This Recipe)

1 box of Betty Crocker French Vanilla or your favorite box of cake mix
ingredients on back of box:  (eggs, water, oil)

extra ingredients to enhance flavor & moistness (per box):
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 pack instant vanilla pudding (dry)
1/2 cup buttermilk (replacing 1/2 cup of water, see below)
1 tsp vanilla

Extra Creamy Chocolate Cake
(Double This Recipe)

1 box Duncan Hines Devil Food Cake Mix
ingredients on back of box: (eggs, water, oil)

extra ingredients to enhance flavor & moistness (per box):

1/3 cup ricotta cheese
substitute 1/3 cup of the water for 1/3 cup of buttermilk
2 T. sugar
2 T. cocoa powder

Almond Frosting
(Triple This Recipe)

If you don't have an icing recipe you like, here is my easy one:
1 whole box of powdered sugar
1 stick of butter
1/4-1/3 cup of milk (the amount of milk depends on how thick you like your icing)
1-2 t. of almond flavoring

You could use whatever icing recipe you have, just sub out the vanilla for almond.  To get the desired color, I separate the icing into bowls & add 4 drops of color until I get the result I'm after.  Here is a tip: I used my cake server to spread the icing. I frequently cleaned it off & heated it with warm water (then dryed it) to make the spreading nice & smooth.

Bunny Cookies
(See Moravian Heart Cookies for this recipe)

Other Ingredients
1 bag coconut
green food color
festive candy covered chocolate eggs (these are Hershey's)
pastel sprinkles & silver beads

Happy Easter!  This cake was just too much fun to make & could be used with different cutters for any holiday.  Placing the cookies around the cake also make icing a snap, because it just doesn't need to be perfect... ahhh! I used the Moravian Sugar Cookie recipe, because they seem to stay oh so soft.

1. Follow recipe links for the French Vanilla or Extra Creamy Chocolate semi-homemade cakes, then be sure to cut the cake into 2 rounds if using a bundt pan. I recommend placing it in the freezer overnight or until solid. This will allow the icing process to go much faster & keep the crumbs away. (You can even do a crumb layer, as explained in the French Vanilla Semi-homemade Cake recipe) I doubled the cake recipe & used a bundt pan. It would also be easy in 2-3 round pans as well.

2. Prepare your cookies!  You can follow the link for the Moravian Cookie recipe, which makes perfect soft cookies every time (they only need to bake for 5-6 minutes)  If you don't have the bunnies, use any spring cutters you like.

3. Prepare icing, following my Almond icing link or one of your own.  Then, go ahead and ice the cake, allowing for the layer in the middle as well.  Normally, it's important to make it nice and smooth, but most of it will be covered up this time... so the fast way is fine!  You want your icing to be nice and thick, so easy on the milk as you prepare your icing.  Just add back in more powdered sugar if it seems to thin.

3. Now that your cookies are cool, it's time to ice them too!  You can follow my picture or ice them anyway you like. I recommend not fully covering them in icing, as the cake is fully covered and it's nice to see some of the cookie for texture.  

4.  Empty the bag of coconut into a bowl.  Add green food color, starting with 8 drops.  Stir until totally combined, then continue with 4 drops until you reach the color of green you desire.

5.  Time to assemble the cake...yippee!  I start at the bottom and work my way to the top! Sprinkle the green coconut grass around the bottom, slightly pressing so it will stick. No worries if some falls on the plate.  Then, ice the back of your cookies, leaving an inch or so of the top un-iced... it's so cute if part of the cookie sticks up above the cake! Now press it gently and hold in place for a few moments, it should stick like glue (simply make sure your icing is thick, if not just add a little more powdered sugar to it) To finish, add clusters of eggs to the top and around the bottom... then add plenty of sprinkles to the top & viola! 

There you go!  It's takes a little time, but it was a blast!  Mom & I make it together, which was a special moment I'll always remember!

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