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Homemade Chicken & Noodle Soup

Homemade Chicken & Noodle Soup

homemade chicken broth or 2 large boxes plus water
2 - 3 chicken breasts, cooked and shredded
2 diced carrots
3 cubed yellow potatoes
1 bag noodles, Amish if available
Cavenders Greek Seasoning
fresh or dried parsley 
dill, optional

It's oh so easy chicken & noodle soup.  Once you try this, you'll never go back to canned soup again.  So, I think it is always best with homemade broth, which you can check out how to make under "Chicken Broth 101".  If you are in a pinch, just use store stock.  (If using store stock, I'd add some extras: 1/2 cup diced onion & 2 cloves garlic minced.)

So, just fill your stock pot with your broth.  Now, the liquid doesn't not need to be perfect for chicken & noodle soup. You can have a lot & actually see your noodles floating in broth or you can have a little & it can be nice and hearty.  It's up to you!
Add your carrots & potatoes, cooking for 10 minutes.  ( You want them to be about 1/2 way done before adding your noodles.  You know, you don't want mushy potatoes & you don't want overly cooked noodles either.  This helps guarantee that neither will happen.)

Now, add about 1/2 a bag of your noodles & cook according to package time.  If using store stock, you may need to add extra water.  We aren't making chicken & Noodle, but rather soup.   Give the broth a taste.  I like to add Cavender's (pictured right) with all my chicken recipes.  It is just the perfect combination, but not necessary.  How much?  Oh, a few good shakes, like 5 or so.  (ahhhh... I feel better.  I really don't cook much with measurements.   So, giving exacts has been a challenge for me!)  Then, S & P to taste.  Finally, add the chicken.  Once the noodles are done, turn down way low or even off.  Whenever making a soup with noodles, I'm real careful as they can get mushy in a hurry!  If you aren't ready for dinner yet, just reheat through later.

Depending on who's coming for dinner, you can always add dill.  I think dill makes everything delightful.  I don't think my kids agree!  So, with or without, it's a wonderful comfort food.  Sprinkle with parsley before serving.  You can also stop by your local deli & pick up some bread bowls... they are sure to please any crowd!

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